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Basic Golf Swing Drills. If you are looking for easy swing drills then this weeks golf lesson will help you build a better golf swing in a very simple way.




Many of the issues golfers experience in their swings can be linked back to a poor setup position.

In this video Chris Ryan shows you the 3 most common setup faults that he sees on a daily basis when coaching.

Setting up correctly can help so many golfers improve this part of their game.




How would you like to hit a longer, straighter drives every time?

Don’t kid yourself any longer learn how to hit the ball further than ever.

Here are some great tips to help you hit your driver longer, straighter and more consistently. 


How to Position Your Hands During the Golf Swing for More Distance and Control

I have written extensively about how the hands operate during the golf swing because their function is probably one of the most critical aspects of the entire swing.

I have received several requests from readers asking about various aspects of hand technique, so I thought I would use this article to share some of the main points that came from their questions.

Before I dig in, I just want share some thoughts about how I approach golf instruction with students because the overall sense I get from the nature of the questions that have been raised is that readers are searching for answers about the hands that are often over analyzed and impractical to control…

The golf swing can be a very simple and efficient action if it is approached that way…

It can also be an extremely complex action if you try to break down and analyze all the moving parts of the swing with the aim of trying in some way to consciously control each little element.

I simplify the swing into two critical moving parts:

1. The rotation of the shoulders and trunk 
2. The rotation of the hands

With each of these motions you are aiming to achieve two objectives:

1. A simple single plane swing 
2. Fully cocked and relaxed hands

Unlike other sports such as tennis where you have to have complex variation in your hand action and swing action to out maneuver your opponent, I encourage students to keep everything simple to make the golf swing easier.

The reason for this is purely to achieve consistency from shot to shot. That is the key to scoring success.

Not the ability to bend and curve the ball using complex hand action…

Setup Routine

Most of the swing motion and requirements that impact both hand action and swing plane are dealt with in your setup prior to you pulling the trigger on the swing.

Once your swing is in motion, there is very little you can do to adjust it after that.

Here are several key elements I focus on regarding your hands that are all taken care of in your setup routine:

1. The alignment and stance routine gets your hands in the correct position relative to the ball, club face and target before the swing starts. In the set up I always advise that the hands are positioned slightly ahead of the ball to place them in a “strong” wrist position.

2. The correct grip will create a “stable” take away and will cause the hands to break with the correct action and plane when they are cocked. I always advise a “strong” grip with the left thumb positioned right of the grip centerline. (Right thumb for left handers).

3. The left side which creates unison of the left arm and wrist at the start of the swing and during the first stage of the backswing should be firm. This gets you into the correct hand position at the top of the swing. I advise the elbow of the left arm to be pointing towards the ground to achieve this. (Right elbow for left handers).

Take Away

The next critical point of your swing after your setup is the take away. Many hand/swing problems can be created from that first critical movement of your shoulders and hands on the take away if it is not done correctly.

Again, the takeaway should be kept as simple as possible by focusing on two things only:

4. The backswing should start with the downward rotational motion of the left shoulder, not a hand motion. This action places the swing on a mid to upright swing plane, it improves back swing balance by encouraging trunk rotation, and it reduces unwanted hand action on the take away.

5. Within the first 6 inches of the take away, there should be ZERO motion of your hands. They need to be firm with your left side.


As you progress into the backswing you have had only “one thought” on your mind to this point, and that was a “trigger thought” to initiate the downward rotation of your left shoulder to start the backswing.

Everything else up to that point has been taken care of in your setup to create that firm left side to solidify your left arm and hands in preparation for the takeaway.

So there is no need to think of anything else…other thoughts will only complicate the backswing.

All that remains on the backswing is:

6. Make sure you work within the range of motion of your natural swing muscle flexibility to avoid a left elbow break.

If you are able to concentrate on these techniques alone, your hands will reach the top of the swing in the correct position without you even having to worry or think about their orientation.

Critical: If a left elbow break occurs on the backswing, all bets are off on being on the correct swing plane and having the correct hand action.


Now as for the downswing, the most important aspect to think about is:

1. Rotate the hips to initiate the turn – one more trigger thought 
2. Delay the hand release by simply letting your hands relax totally from the top of the swing.

Starting the downswing turn with the hips keeps the swing on correct plane. As long as the hands are relaxed and not pre releasing, they will be in the correct orientation going into the impact position. So again you do not even have to think about them.

As for the release itself, that is governed purely by the timing of the downswing…not by the orientation of your hands or how they are turning over into the ball. Your hand orientation and how they react at impact is determined mostly by your grip which you have already taken care of in your setup.

If you approach the release by worrying about the orientation or action of your hands on the downswing you will find the swing extremely difficult to control with any consistency and you will end up losing distance.

Timing is a function of simply coordinating the release of the hands with the rotation of the shoulders.

If you are looking for some characteristic of the hand release that has a more complex explanation than this, I am sorry to disappoint you.

The reality is there is not much more to it than this. Big hitters simply let their hands relax and go for the ride on the downswing..

Above all the clear message from this article is keep everything as simple as possible.

Hone your setup techniques because they are so important in getting the swing started on the correct track where attention to small details is not necessary…the hands and swing will work naturally by themselves if you follow those simple guidelines.

Keep your head down and swing sweetly,


Source by Les Ross

To the non golfer, golf club covers can be seen as a strange thing. When a passionate golf lover talks about covers, they are meaning the sock like covers put on the longer golf clubs.

This normally applies to the woods. At the same time the concept of golf club covers can also extend to all of the other clubs as its becoming popular as custom styled versions are being made.

The golf club covers do a lot to protect your clubs. They protect them in the rain and damp weather also providing another option for professionals to place advertising. If you place your golf bag down in freshly cut grass, the golf club covers will keep the grass from getting on the clubs.

They also protect each clubs as they create a buffer of protection stopping the clubs banging into each other. It used to be that golf club covers were simple items that looked like socks and just had the number of the club on them.

There was no difference in the covers between the low cost golf clubs and the more expensive sets. Soon golfers started to express their style and personality and whole new industry was born, a lot like custom cars, but for golfers!

It has been happening for a while now. Your large gorilla type friend from work would put a king kong golf cover on his driver because he felt it showed a lot of power about his golf game.

Sometimes the covers would come in sets of puppets and they would have entire families to use on clubs that would express the players personality, and bring a little fun to this competitive and sometimes, challenging game.

Then, someone came along that changed it all and caused an increase in sales of golf club covers worldwide. That was Tiger Woods.

Enter Tiger and Frank

Tiger Woods arrived on the golf scene as an amateur and made a serious impact very quickly. It did not take long for people to start to notice his golf club cover was a tiger.

Quickly the sales of tiger driver covers increased and people all over the world were showing off their Tiger Woods’ driver cover and adding style to the game. What came next was unexpected. We learned that the cover had a name and could talk.

Tiger Woods’ driver cover is called Frank and due to a series of television commercials a few years ago, everyone got to see Frank talk and give Tiger advice on his game. It was all in good entertainment a growing industry, which now has a little more fun in it.

So if you are looking for more fun in your golf game, especially when you last shot sliced of to the left, look to get some custom golf covers. Who knows you may even be able to manage a smile, when you put you wood away and start the long walk to look for your ball.


Source by Paul J James

This video is about Improving Your Backswing – Full Shoulder Turn Drills For Golf.

During the golf lesson you will learn chipping and pitching tips that will improve your chipping around the green.



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Hidden Lower Body Energy Powers Golf Shots

Believe it or not, your lower body holds all the energy needed to smash golf shots like a PGA Tour Pro. During our golf swing, players harness energy from the ground up, which places a heavier burden on our lower body than any other muscle group.

George Gankas golf training highlights the stark variances in our body structures while tying together absolute swing fundamentals, which has grown to be known as the GG Swing Method.

The GG Swing Method has taken hold in an entire generation of golfers, most of whom have taken to social platforms to voice their support and success through George Gankas golf instruction.

One of the major teachings that George drills into his students champions the use of our lower body to power our golf swing.

While many novice golfers confuse the process as having more reliance on our upper body muscle group, it has been shown that even the smallest players are able to match or exceed that of larger players simply by using their hips and legs for swing strength.

During your swing, the force created while from pushing ourselves off of the ground radiates vertically through our hips, legs and feet.

This force then transmits through our entire upper body until reaching the golf club through our arms.

Energy created by situating ourselves firmly on the ground can be measured from address all the way beyond striking the golf ball at impact.

When in motion, most golfers will recognize the shift in body weight in the direction of their intended target, usually when pushing their body vertically during the swing.

The force that we push downward into the ground with while swinging the club will also show a variance in the distance that we drive the ball, as the varied amount of pressure in play will have an influence over our club speed.

Like most things in life, too much of a good thing can often turn into a nightmare.

In regards to the power harnessed in our lower body during golf swings, overworking our hips, legs or feet can result in pulled, missed, sliced shots that have worse results than if we had never tried to harness lower body energy to begin with.

Many players will fail to reduce the speed in their lower body momentum during their downswing, which will greatly reduce the amount of force transferred to the upper body as a result.

As our hips and legs pull too much during the downswing, our upper body will fail to catch up before impact, which creates drastic reductions in the energy that our golf club delivers when striking the ball.

In our backswing, the energy of our lower body adds a sound foundation for our upper body to wrap around, as the upper body dictates how our hips and legs react during this motion.

When our lower body motions independent of our upper body during the backswing, our swing base experiences instability that will lead to a missed shot or even injury in extreme cases.

One thing to look for when determining if we have created this sound foundation will be the appearance of a triangle being formed by our legs.

During address, feet, hips and knees should all align to the inside of each other and create this triangle shape, a clear indication that our swing has achieved the desired amount of foundation stability.

Golfers must sustain this triangle for the entirety of their backswing in order to harness the optimal amount of force, stability and symmetry in their golf swing.
