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Perfect Golf Backswing

Guide to the Perfect Backswing

How would you like to have a complete guide on the backswing? Sure you have watched videos on making a good backswing in the past, but I bet you still have a lot of questions. That’s exactly why I scoured the internet looking for all the questions you have and answered them in this one video. You are going to want to save this video as one of your favorites!

Here is another simple 3 step drill for the perfect backswing.



This golf lesson shows you how to stop hitting behind the golf ball. Lets stop hitting the ball fat and start striking the ball first!




This weeks impact show shows the 5 biggest mistakes that beginner and experienced golfers make in their golf swing and a simple fix for each mistake.

1. Golf Grip

2. Club Takeaway

3. Solid Ball Strike

4. Head Movement in the golf swing

5. Ball position



An Easy Way to Get Out of Bunkers – Made Simple

Bunkers have ruined the scorecards of many amateur golfers, either leaving the ball in, or over shooting the green through taking little or no sand.

In this video Chris Ryan shows you a simple technique that can help you get out most times and ensure that your next shot is with the putter.



How to Break 70 – Lower Scores with Stress Free Golf DeShambo Proof..

Well playas, here is the best round of my life. No, not my best score, just the best, most well-thought out and constructed round I have ever played. Why do I say …

Because I committed to a few important concepts before the round and had the discipline to stick to it 95% of the time. Now the concepts are based on the overarching PLAYING OBJECTIVE I decided before the round.

I needed to play Stress Free Golf. Now for the numpties out there who want to talk about me preaching Stress Free Golf and then point out I get frustrated after a poorly executed shot due to lack of commitment…..well numpties, you need an IQ higher than single digits to watch this channel. Life is 3 dimensions, this is not a Nintendo 8 bit console. We live in an XBOX 360 world.

Frustration comes from knowing what to do, and then not doing it, because something mental gets in the way. Unfortunately there is a small population of people who think people who put ideas forward are robots. None of us are robots and playas, sometimes we have to unleash the dragon within, otherwise we get wound too tight and there goes the round.

A club toss here, a club drop there, a grunt in disgust and a clubhead lodged in the turf, we are humans.

BUT….To Break 70

Leave it where you stand. Then move onto the next shot. The next shot, the next hole, the next approach needs to be planned. That is how you get over the frustration of being a poephol on the course. You MUST focus on planning and plotting how to get that ball from the next position, into the hole.

Stress free golf does not mean ROBOTIC Retief Goosen golf. It means a long and winding PROCESS of planning properly, committing to the plan. executing the plan, then doing it over and over again, always guarding yourself from the ego thoughts (brain farts) coming into your head .

At every given moment you MUST be hitting the simplest shot possible IN THAT SITUATION to put yourself in a stress-free state. If you can do that even remotely close to 100% of the time, you’ll SMASH your personal best by minimum 10%.


The proper golf swing can be further developed by a general understanding of golf swing mechanics. Bio-mechanics is a process of measuring movement and response of the body during activities. Golf swing mechanics have been extensively studied and measured, and much of the information is used for equipment design and golf instruction.

The easiest way to learn is by relating what you know, to what you want to learn. Virtually anyone can hit an object with a stick. Think back when you were a child learning to play baseball, hockey, and cricket or any sport using a stick. Beyond someone showing you how to grip the bat, stick, or club you instinctively knew what to do to in order to move the ball after a few successful attempts.

Golf is the same. Improve your golf swing with a clear understanding of golf swing mechanics and body movement and enjoy golf more. Once you have a grasp of the common elements to the swing, it is just a matter of improving your execution for a lifetime of progress.

For the purpose of golf improvement, when looking at the biomechanics of the golf swing rather than talk through complicated physics in detail, we’ll consider a few very important points that will help you improve. Mainly the difference in golf swing mechanics between a golf professional and a recreational golfer.

Let’s look at the perfect golf swing in five parts:

1. Address and takeaway to the top of the backswing 
2. Transition and downswing to horizontal. 
3. Downswing horizontal to impact 
4. Impact to follow through 
5. Follow through to finish

We will give attention to areas of difference between golf professionals and recreational or amateur golfers and show how understanding these differences in golf swing mechanics can improve the golf swing more quickly.

1. Address and Takeaway to the top of backswing

The beginning golfer has a tendency to lean away from the target on the takeaway to the top. Commonly referred to as a sway. This move is a significant source of loss of power due to the fact there is very little storing of energy. The hands, wrists and arms begin the takeaway and it is the upper body that needs to rotate. The hips also rotate but hip rotation is considerably less than trunk rotation. When we lean away from the target the upper body torso and hips rotate almost the same, if at all, therefore there isn’t enough coil to produce sufficient speed when we return the club to the ball.

2. Transition and downswing to horizontal

A significant difference between beginning golfers and more accomplished golfers during transition and downswing is in the range of motion of the left (for right hand golfers) wrist. During this part of the swing amateurs tend to use a larger range of motion in the left wrist even though the overall range of motion for this part of the swing is actually less. In observation this sets up what is seen as an early release. Professionals on the other hand tend to “hold the angle” through impact. Rather than allowing the club head to pass in front of the hands prior to striking the ball. For the recreational golfer this again contributes to a significant loss of power and inconsistent ball striking.

3. Downswing horizontal to impact

Bio-mechanical studies of the golf swing have shown that, as the experienced golfer approaches impact, forward bending (forward bending is considered an athletic position) actually decreases. So the golfer is standing taller at impact than at address.

This fact is missed by most instructors and is why getting in a deep athletic stance is a cause of miss-hits. Most recreational golfers should actually stand a little taller at address. This will help combat topped or thinned shots.

4. Impact to follow through

Once again we can learn from the difference between professional golfers and recreational golfers. As the swing gets closer to impact, amateurs tend to decelerate in an attempt to correct the position of the club head. Most often the feeling of the club head being out of position is due of poor setup, hip turn or a timing issue. Professionals generate 15-30% greater club head speed through impact. This is accomplished primarily through the proper use of the fingers, hands and wrists. Also, because from swing to swing there is less variation with pros so there is less thought of the club head being out of position prior to impact allowing acceleration to continue through impact.

5. Follow through to finish

The evolution of golf equipment has changed some aspects of the golf swing. For the most part a quality swing today is bio-mechanically the same as it was 100 years ago. The finish however is one of the elements that have changed though the years. Previously the finish was more upright and less of a continuation of rotation. The modern swing, due to stiffer shafted clubs requires more speed. The inertia of the swing should carry the club head through to the finish. A bio-mechanic view of the muscles with high activity during the follow through and finish shows the serratus anterior or “boxers muscle” with a high level of activity even as the swing is finishing.

This muscle along with others is primarily responsible for the movement of the shoulder blade. The implication here is clear. A good finish is when the arms are extended out from the body as in throwing a punch. Often recreational golfers quit on the swing, thus allowing the arms to collapse. Again this is an indicator of an earlier swing flaw.


The study of golf swing mechanics can get very complicated but by taking a look at the differences between recreational golfers and professional golfers, we can focus on key body movements that get results. Focus on getting the fundamentals right. Relax and allow your natural ability to take over and it becomes easy to play golf at an enjoyable level.

One final thought although not covered previously, understand that an overall level of fitness and flexibility will be important in the repetitive execution of the various parts of a golf swing.

Golf Made Simple: Rated One Of The Top 3 Golf Schools In America!

Out of the 133 Golf Schools and 26,000 PGA Professionals in America, we are recognized as the 3rd best! Why? Because “92% of Golfers improve 6 to 11 strokes during their 3 day program!” GMS is a proven learning system that will help you improve your golf swing so that you become more consistent on the golf course.

When you attend a Golf Made Simple Golf School, you will receive 6+ hours of golf instruction each day. Each morning you will start instruction on the practice area. Each afternoon, you will have 6 holes of On-course Instruction with your Instructor, where he will help you carry your improvements onto the golf course. Additionally you will receive lunch in the clubhouse each day, enrollment in the Instructor for Life Program, and access to the GMS Player Page.


Named The 3rd Best Golf School in America by Men’s Journal Magazine

1. Butch Harmon Schools of Golf
2. Dave Pelz Scoring Game School
3. Golf Made Simple

Find A Location Near You

Source of Article 

Complete golf swing flow and finish. Smooth golf swings and consistency made simple.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your ball striking to have a better golf swing that is smooth, powerful, delivers the good strikes but is not complicated as it’s just a very easy thought to have over your irons shots and drives to complete your golf swing.

It’s effective and the best thing of all is it’s a simple golf swing thought to hit your irons better and longer consistent drives

Learn what you need to do to be more consistent with iron shots and your golf swing This simple golf tip is just about moving through the ball instead of the focus being at it. Hitting at it. It’s destructive.

That can cause heavy and thin golf shots, poor consistency and losing distance. If you use this thought of a low point, it will help contact and power. Hit more greens and see the ball rip through the air. better angle of attack for more distance and of course consistency.

This is one way to learn the easiest swing in golf that is natural but it’s advisable for all ages and abilities to use this method, or at the very least try it next time your practice your golf swing.

It might just make things that much easier for you!



We’ve all had that shot that we bombed down the middle of the fairway and turned around and said “I barely swung at that”. Simplify your golf swing to make it more powerful with less effort and you’ll be saying that all the time.

Orange Whip Compact Golf Swing Trainer Aid for Improved Rhythm, Flexibility, Balance, Tempo, and Strength – 35.5”

THE ORIGINAL #1-RATED GOLF TRAINING AID – Don’t settle for imitations. The Orange Whip has been voted #1 Teaching and Training aid by PGA and LPGA Professionals for a reason: it’s simply the best. The shorter length is ideal for indoor use and the lighter swing weight will accommodate almost every golfer.

PATENTED COUNTERWEIGHT SYSTEMThe Orange Whip Trainer increases your flexibility and strengthens your golf muscles through its proprietary weighted and counter weighted system. There’s nothing else like it! Improve your range of motion while avoiding injury. Strengthen your swing power while maintaining control.


For those on a budget try the new SKLZ Gold Flex – Golf Training Aid for Strength and Tempo Training / Golf Swing Trainer



Orange Whip Compact Golf Swing Trainer Aid for Improved Rhythm, Flexibility, Balance, Tempo, and Strength – 35.5”



Whichever one you decide on your golf game will thank you.

You’ll be swinging like the Pro’s in no time….


After your purchase be sure to visit the Whip Clinic for over 150 training videos dedicated to the Swing Whip.


Enjoy great success and lower scores,

Golf Box Usa


Orange Whip Compact Golf Swing Trainer Aid

SKLZ Gold Flex - Golf Training Aid


Happy Mothers Day!