STOP Making this one Huge Mistake with your Wedges! Follow along with Mr. Short Game and you’ll be striking it like the pros in no time.
This is a solution that WORKS!
STOP Making this one Huge Mistake with your Wedges! Follow along with Mr. Short Game and you’ll be striking it like the pros in no time.
This is a solution that WORKS!
What’s great is if you have any one of these faults in your golf swing they are really easy to fix and can make an instant impact on the quality of your ball striking not just with your irons but with your driver too.
1. Your sternum is not positioned correctly at address
2. Your forearms are not in line at set up – BIG ONE
3. Your posture is misaligned at set up
4. You turn in the golf swing as apposed to pivot
5. You don’t have control over the club face
How the Shoulders Move (avoid this BIG mistake)
Follow along with Christina Ricci if you’re really struggling with contact and you top and chunk your shots. It’s all about the shoulder movement through the golf swing. Your low point is all over the place, then let’s take a look at your shoulders throughout the swing.
They play a key role in helping you get through the shot. I share the yes in the no’s, so you can clearly see the difference between the two.
2 moves that will completely change your swing, this video will really help golfers understand the transition and what you should be doing through impact..
All the best players do THIS – Swing SLOWER but hit it FURTHER
Would you like to swing slower but hit the golf ball further like all the best players? Well in this video Ali will show you why you have lost distance or miss out of extra yards but most importantly how to correct it.