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Golf Swing Basics:

Learn how to use your full body in the golf swing and move like a tour player.

You are currently watching a video about how to swing a golf club like a Professional Golfer, in this video I talk about each part of the golf swing in detail and in slow motion so you can change your golf swing and start improving your golf.



The first step to becoming a versatile golfer takes root in understanding the golf swing basics associated with the sport.

Most novice golfers overemphasize the utilization of their upper body muscle groups, while often neglecting the untapped force found in the lower body muscle groups.

While much power remains stored in the lower body during the typical golf swing, players must properly harness the motion found in their lower muscles in order to distribute this energy through to impact.

Though most golf swing basics are transferable to each golfer, how they adopt these fundamentals into their own game can vary from player to player.

With the vast majority of beginners looking to their upper body as the sole source of motion behind their swings, players will quickly learn that they are literally standing on a gold mine of stability and force.

Positioning your legs properly acts as the first step in utilizing your lower body muscles effectively during routine golf swings.

Establishing a good swing stance will enhance your natural posture during swings, often expanding the existing power you’re normally able to expel during your existing swing.

Utilizing your lower body during golf swings will assist in the development of muscle memory throughout your body, which will ultimately create a natural feel to your movements.

These movements are especially vital when specifically targeting the motion found during your downswing transition.

As players near the top of their swings, with their hops rotated as far as possible, the downswing transition takes shape.

During the downswing transition, our waist and hips will initiate the reversion towards the desired impact position, contrasting that of the backswing which sees a player’s arms lead most motion.

Remember, when working through the downswing transition, the lead leg of the player will return to where they were located during the golf swing setup.

During our downswing, our knees will begin to straighten out and hold this positioning for the remainder of our golf swing.

Our trail leg knee bend also changes positioning during this portion of our swing.

While our lead leg previously angled towards the ball, our trail leg assumes this positioning as the motion behind our downswing takes form.

As our trail leg angles directly towards the golf ball, players will begin to notice their trail heel lifting off of the turf, which will lead to the sensation of balancing on the toes of the trail foot all the way to follow through.

Remember, your lead heel should always remain flat from the downswing transition until the golf swing has reached completion.

Maintaining this positioning ensures that the player’s body weight has shifted accurately, with force and control maintained to reach the desired target.

This positioning utilizes our leg muscles during the downswing to maintain a stable foundation for the remainder of our golf swing.

With the majority of our body weight balanced on our lead leg, this solid foundation will maintain stability, speed and control through to the impact position.

Understanding the important role of legs in the downswing transition serves as one of the most valuable golf swing basics that any player can learn.



Pro Golf Tips:

Let’s take a look at how your hips work away from the ball to make room for your hands at impact.

Whether you are looking to stop your sway, clear your hips in the downswing or simply looking to understand how the hips turn in the backswing and downswing then we cover it all in this video.



Ben Hogan's Pane of Glass

Click Here: “Ben Hogan’s Pane of Glass”


The best mental image ever devised to keep your golf swing on plane is “Ben Hogan’s Pane of Glass”. Hogan spends a whole chapter in his book “Five Lessons” on the swing plane using this “pane of glass” imagery. This tells you how important he felt swinging the club on plane is to becoming a great golfer.

Look at the drawing above and burn it into your psyche! This large pane of glass is angled from the ball all the way through the golfer’s shoulders and beyond. The angle of the pane is dictated by the golfer’s stance. Imagine a hole in the center of this large pane of glass just big enough for the golfer’s head to poke through.

Hogan liked to imagine this pane of glass when he swung because it allowed him to swing the club under this imaginary “pane of glass” in the back swing as well as down into impact and into his finish – without breaking the glass!

The truth is Hogan’s golf swing was always on plane and he is considered by most to be “the best ball striker who ever lived”!

This image alone has helped me tremendously in learning how to attack the ball from the all powerful inside. When you learn how to swing down from the inside, you develop that all important “lag” in your golf swing – and lag is the secret to effortless power in your golf swing!

If you have an “over the top” swing (aka casting), you can see how you would break this pane of glass at the start of your down swing. By being aware of the pane of glass your hands will drop down to your side during the downswing, maintaining your lag (aka the slot – illustrated beautifully by Hogan in the photo on the right).

You will be attacking the inside quadrant of the golf ball – a very powerful image to have for your golf swing.

The “pane of glass” image also helps your backswing. If you swing the club too much to the outside during the initial part of your backswing, you will break the pane of glass. By keeping Hogan’s image in your mind as you start your backswing your arms will stay connected to your body – you are almost forced to swing the club on plane! The wrists will cock by themselves without you giving them any thought.

The other nice thing about using the Hogan “pane of glass” image is it will help with your alignment. As you settle into your stance, imagine Hogan’s pane of glass being perpendicular to your target line. This will help you align your feet, your hips, and your shoulders to the target line – all crucial components for proper alignment.

Hogan’s pane of glass image also keeps you centered and stacked during the golf swing because your head movement will be minimal – remember your head is poking through the hole in the glass.

So work Hogan’s “pane of glass” image into your regular golf routine and learn to become a great striker of the golf ball – just like Ben Hogan!



Strong iron play is an often overlooked key to a consistent golf game. Use these 3 “must do’s” to start hitting clean, crisp and consistent irons today and watch your golf scores plummet.

In this video I’m going to show you my favorite compression drill, one that I use myself and in my practice to really hit the ball more solid.



Learn How To Get Better Golf Club Head Contact For Better Accuracy and Distance with Your Golf Swing in this great Golf Swing Lesson that will have you striking the golf ball pure. 

For those looking to make consistent contact, this video on Hit The Center Of The Club Face is for you. 

We’ll cover the center of the club face, while improving key fundamentals! Start having real control of your game. Be able to hit any shot in golf! 


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Common fault of coming over the top!

Many golfers who come over the top will struggle with slice shots, fade shots, lack of distance and poor strikes. Zach shows you something that could be causing this in your backswing, and two moves within your downswing which can lead to the over the top move.

This video should help you establish exactly why you swing over the top, and then more importantly allow you to fix your swing.

