A hundred bucks says my new bunker-blasting DVD can turn those patches of pure hell into a day at the beach and have you playing in the sand like a big-money pro.
You know the patches I mean. Those sandy monsters lying there in wait between you and the green. Each one ready to eat your ball for breakfast.
Yeah, I’m talking about bunkers. And if you’re like most golfers you hate the things. You figure they’re only there to catch the poor golfer and hold him prisoner while he adds stroke after stroke to his score trying to escape.
There was a reason bunkers used to be called “sand traps”.
Yet, if you watch the top pros you’ll see that a lot of them seem to prefer being in a bunker. Often, they appear to deliberately hit toward them.
So if sand is that bad, why don’t they do everything they can to avoid it?
Well, it’s simple, really.
Hitting from a greenside bunker can put you closer to the hole.
And that takes a lot of the pressure off the approach shot.
That is, of course, if you know how to hit out of the bunker. And that’s where my new DVD comes in.
It’s called “The Bunker”. And if it doesn’t help you hit out of the sand better than you ever dreamed possible, I’ll not only refund every cent you paid, I’ll send you my check for $100.
Not only that, my new DVD will soon have you playing strategically… occasionally using the bunker to get closer to the hole just like the pros. You’ll slash your handicap and amaze your golfing buddies with your newfound sand skills.
Now, you have to figure if I’m going to go out on a limb and guarantee to send you $100 if the DVD doesn’t have you doing all this, it must be pretty good.
Well, it is.
In fact, this is by far the best video we’ve ever done. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it just may be the most useful golf video I’ve ever seen.
The graphics are great! They add to the instruction without getting in the way like the graphics on some sports events on TV. The camera work and editing are superb…you can follow every move perfectly. Heck, they even managed to make me look good.
Naturally, I’m a little prejudiced. So I think you ought to judge for yourself. To do that, just…
Of course, all of that doesn’t add up to a hill of beans if I can’t show you how to hit out of the sand. Oh, I’ll do that…I guarantee it. But I’ll also teach you something even more important…
Just getting out of the bunker isn’t good enough.
Here’s what you’ll learn in my Bunker DVD
Sure, it’s impressive when you explode out of the bunker on your first swing. But what’s even more so is when that swing helps you actually put the ball where you want it to be.
My new DVD will teach you how to do both. I guarantee it.
In practically no time, you’ll be hitting perfect shots out of the sand…onto the green…and close to the hole. With total confidence and absolute control. Instead of sculling or blading the ball, you’ll put it precisely where you want it.
And you’ll be using the bunker strategically…instead of trying to avoid it.
What do I mean by “practically no time”? Friend, I’m talking about…Immediate improvement!
That’s right. You won’t have to wait weeks to see results . You’ll see them on your first swing.
All you have to do is spend 45 minutes watching the DVD and follow my instructions.
Naturally, the more you practice the better your bunker shot will get. Just like anything else in golf or in life.
And pretty soon, you may find yourself actually liking the challenge of the bunker. Just like I do.
Confessions of a Sand Man…
I guess I’ve always had a soft spot for bunkers. You might even call it a “bunker mentality.”
You see, I grew up in Southwest Florida and started playing golf there. That’s pretty sandy country. And on the courses we played, it seemed like there were seven bunkers for every hole. So I learned how to play in sand pretty early.
Besides, you don’t mind sand so much when you know the other hazard might have an alligator in it!
I spent a lot of my practice time working on my bunker shot and when I became a teaching pro, I passed on what I’d learned to my students. After a while I got to be known as the go-to-guy for folks having trouble with their sand shots.
Recently, I decided it was high time to put everything I know about bunker shots into a video. This one.