Dual Hinge Golf Club Trainers

Dual hinge golf club trainers are a next generation golf aid that systematically identifies flaws in your swing while training you to hit with proper tempo and timing. They also teach you to swing in the correct plane and teach you how to hit a club using your shoulders and hips rather than your arms witch is the ultimate swing technique.

Dual hinge golf trainers come as irons or drivers and have a unique hinge attached to the shaft of the club that instantly identifies flaws in your swing. A great hit has three main criteria and they are timing, tempo and a club that swings through the correct plane. Getting the three correct takes a lot of practice, however practice will do you no good if you don’t know where your mistakes are coming from. The dual hinge golf trainers identify flaws at any point in your swing.

Therefore if you swing out of the correct golf swing plane, or your timing and tempo is off, either in your take away, back swing, down swing or follow through, the unique dual hinge will open up and the club will break at the hinge, indicating instantly where your mistake has taken place. You therefore know exactly what to focus on, on your very next swing.

Problem identification is the most crucial part to solving any golf problem and is the fastest way to improvement. Remember, practice makes permanent, not perfect and therefore you want the right tools to train with to make sure you are practicing correctly. Golf aids such as a dual hinge golf club trainer is an excellent way to practice your golf swing and get you hitting longer, straighter more accurate golf shots!

Click the link to learn more about Golf aids [http://www.golfboxusa.com] and golf swing trainers that will instantly improve your golf swing and have you shooting lower golf scores in as little as fifteen minutes! [http://www.newgolfaids.com]

John Senaca is an avid golf enthusiast with over twenty years of playing experience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Senaca

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3263487


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