
Are you running through a countless stream of instructions while playing a round of golf? Are you instructing yourself during your golf swing, ultimately reciting golf tip after golf tip? And, is this inner dialogue getting in the way of actually playing better golf, getting in the way of your enjoyment of the game?

Here is something very simple that I figured out that helped me become a better golfer and added to my enjoyment of the game while on the course: move away from active thought and instead occupy your mind with the appropriate images when necessary.

When I was learning to play golf, I had an instructor who took me out to practice with this advice: "I'm not going to tell you a thing," he said. "I just want you to watch me. Watch carefully everything I do.

What he was doing was showing me the correct golf swing, instead of endlessly giving me instructions. It was a valuable lesson.

He told me afterwards, "Whenever you are tempted to give yourself inner verbal instruction, I want you to think back on the images of my swing. Just see it.

Have you ever seen a golfer frustrated on the course? Is this inner dialogue apparent? Chances are you know firsthand about all this.

Here is a simple golf tip to avoid too much instruction during your golf swing:

Think about the shot in front of you before your swing. Think of everything you have to do, the club you're going to use, all mechanical questions, your approach, all of it.

Now, stand away from your ball and go through your routine. In this routine produce the results you want to achieve. Be aware of your club and how it moves in your hands as you take your practice swings. Be aware of the movement of your body into the golf ball. Do this until you 'feel' it is right, and that swing has been programmed correctly into your brain.

When your swing has been properly programmed imagine your shot in your mind, executed flawlessly, perfect.

Afterwards, take a full deep breath, exhaling through the mouth, and address your golf ball and execute your swing, leaving thought behind.

Trust yourself enough to play, knowing that you've given yourself ample instruction and it is time to now leave thought and all of its inner verbiage.

I can not offer up a better golf swing tip.


Source by Stan Thomas

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