
To have a successful golf game, you need to swing through the ball rather than at the ball. If you focus on the ball instead of the target, you’ll likely hit the ball but fail to swing through. While you can look at the ball while swinging, it is important that you keep the target in your minds eye at all time. Swinging through the ball will help you to drive the golf ball farther.

When swinging, your goal should not be to hit the ball. Instead, swing as if the ball just happens to be there. Put yourself in the correct stance and practice swinging without a ball. You should be making the same motions when you have a ball in front of you.

Some golfers, when trying to swing through the ball, make the mistake of hitting the ball too hard. Swinging with all of your force is not the way to swing through the ball. You will not get the ball to your target. The only thing you’ll likely get is a hurt back. Keeping good form throughout your swing will give you better contact with the ball and this will help you drive the golf ball farther.

One thing that can prevent you from swinging through the ball is an incorrect stance. It is important to relax the body when you are playing golf. Tense shoulders commonly ruin golfers’ swings. It will prevent you from making a smooth and wide arc. It is perhaps easiest to perfect the tensionless stroke by doing practice swings without balls. When you don’t have to worry about the ball, you are able to focus more on your body. Once you understand how to swing with a relaxed form, you can carry that over to your actual driving practice and then golf game.

If you are still having trouble swinging through, slow down. Practice your swing in a slow and smooth fashion. Don’t pause at the top, but keep one steady motion. Doing this can help you focus more on your swing and less on hitting the ball. After you get the correct motion, try the correct speed and then try it at a driving range.

Once you stop seeing golf as a game where you hit a ball and instead see it as a way to swing towards a target, your golf game will improve and you’ll drive the golf ball farther and straighter.


Source by Matt Menden

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