
When you get that golf club in your grip, do you ever want simply to smash the ball as hard as you can? It may feel great to put every ounce of your energy into hitting the ball as far as you can, but, just smashing it as hard as you possibly can from the tee is not necessarily going to give you the perfect start to a hole.

Listen, if you are out to smash the ball to relieve stress, then more power to you. But, if you want to play a serious round of golf, then putting all your energy into each golf swing is not going to improve your golf game. If you want to improve golf, you are going to need a golf lesson in finesse.

In fact, one of the biggest problems people have with their golf swing is in trying to hit the ball as hard as they can. You can have the most powerful smack of the ball on the course, but if the ball is not going where you want it to go, you are going to need golf lessons to improve golf swing sooner, rather than later.

It is so important not to tense your muscles, as happens when you go for that power shot. You need to lose that tension – loosen up a little – even stretch a little before you swing your club. Relaxing as you take the club for a swing, can help reduce the power and make the swing much more smoother. One tip is to stand with your feet a little closer together – this will reduce the amount of power you can put into the golf swing. Just stop trying too hard to hit the ball with all your might.

It’s essential that you keep a stable centre of gravity when you drive the ball. If you do this then your head movement will be kept to an absolute minimum. Just focus on keeping feet in the same position throughout your golf swing.

Any movement of the body and your head will also move – you lose your focus on the ball and you will change your centre of gravity. Imagine your feet are set in cement when you hit the ball.

It is more important, especially if your golf swing is a problem, to use less power and make the whole action as smooth as possible if you want to improve golf swing.

Relax – let the swing flow – any stiffness in your muscles from trying to hit too hard will likely throw you off balance. You want to keep your centre of gravity stable when your club strikes the ball.

Slicing often happens when you hit the ball too high – the wind can take it right or left and into the rough or worse. Try to hit through the centre of the ball so that you keep the ball at a lower height than you usually hit it. Hitting under the ball is inviting a slice.

The important thing to remember is to be in control of your shot at all times if you want to be accurate with your golf swing. Hit it cleanly and in the direction you want it to go – the reality is that you will get distance more from the finesse of your golf swing than you will from pure power and strength.

Practise – then build up the speed of your swing – each time hitting the centre of the ball. Speed is an element of power, every bit as much as strength. The speed comes only when you are not tensed up, as does accuracy. If your golf swing is not as smooth as you would like, then the chances are that you are moving your hands during the swing. Go back to basics and keep your head still – even imagine a glass of beer on your head as you swing – this will help.

Again, to recap, stretch before you take that swing – loosen up any tension or stiffness that you may feel. Stay loose and easy all the way through the swing, but concentrate on keeping the feet planted and your head still. The rest will follow and you will develop a perfect smooth golf swing in no time.


Source by Graham M Nicholls

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