
Are you a golfer who is expecting to correct a slice? Well, you are definitely not alone when it comes to playing golf, this is a very common problem, so most likely you are in the majority with many other golfers who are looking for ways to cure golf slice. It can be very frustrating when you play golf, and never seem to be able to correct your slice. Did you know that this is the one way to really handicap your game? Well, it certainly is and also the number one reason lots of golfers turn to golfing tips to aid them in this area.

The game of golf is one of skill and technique. So, in order to have a good player, you really need to work at curing golf slice. Once you're able to do this, you can quickly become a much better player and be much more content with your performance on the greens.

Correcting a slice can be done if you use the right techniques and continue to practice them on a regular basis. This is the only way you can hope to make the most of your golfing game and become your hometown pro.

Listed below is some golf slicing tips to correct your game:

1. Correct your stance – This is one of the most important things you can do to be a better golfer. The proper stance is shoulder width apart, and if you want to do it correctly, this is the way you should stand. Also, you should keep your right foot should face straight ahead, with your left foot pointed a little to the left.

2. Correct swing – This can be cause of many peoples problem and they most likely do not even know it. One of the biggest causes of slicing is due to the ball coming to contact outside the ball. This can really put a nasty spin on the ball and cause it to spin far, far away. In order to avoid this make sure that your golf swing is inside to outside.

If you follow just the two tips above, you'll be well on your way to correcting a slice, and playing a much better game in the process. It's very important that you remember the basic techniques when playing golf. Many people tend to get away from these over time, and it can really wreak havoc on their game. Remember, you're only as good as you think you are and how well you remember the basics of the game. When you stick to those, you can really cure golf slice problems.


Source by Gerald Spotts

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