
Being Healthy Because of the Golf Course

“Playing golf is not only physically good for you, it also releases powerful, natural, mood enhancing drugs called endorphins into your bloodstream. As long as you don’t strive to play with Tiger Woods-like perfection, just having a stroll in the open air and enjoying a round of golf with your friends helps to make you feel better. If the sun is shining – even better!”

– Play Golf – It’s Good For You, Birmingham web site, July 2006

Though most people do not think of it that way, golf is actually a physical exercise. There’s a lot of walking in golf – usually between four and eight miles. The swinging of your clubs uses different muscles, muscles that don’t normally see activity in the course of a normal day. Your arm, shoulder, back, and leg muscles all get used quite a bit during a single game of golf.

Golf also reduces stress and cholesterol, two things that everyone needs to reduce. A single game of golf can burn up to a thousand calories, which is a great way to stay in shape and burn off excess fat. A game of golf gets the blood flowing and increases your heart rate, making golf a wonderful cardio-vascular exercise.

“Golf is a good walk spoiled.”

– Mark Twain

The Health Benefits of a Regular Golf Game

“If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.”

– Bob Hope

Playing golf regularly not only helps you improve your score on the links, but it’s also a great way to get the regular exercise that all adults need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We all know that regular exercise is important – but who has time? A regular round of golf is a great way to stay in shape and work out your muscles on a constant basis.

Playing golf once a week means that you’re walking between four and eight miles regularly once a week, which is great for the heart and lungs. You’re reducing your stress levels and suddenly, exercising is fun. Playing eighteen holes of golf is a whole lot better than sitting on a stationary bike in the gym.

If possible, try to engage in a regular golf game. Play once a week and you’ll start to notice a difference in your stamina and in your waistline. True, you won’t burn a lot of fat or calories by playing one game of golf a week, but it’s a great way to get some regular, healthy exercise and to help you stay in shape.

Playing golf is a way to stay healthy, get exercise, and have fun all at the same time. The best part of golfing is, you get to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Strolling around the links is a lot better than working out on equipment in a closed-off room, and on the golf course you can work on strength, stamina, and burning calories. Playing golf is good for you, and it’s a lot of fun. You may not make the PGA Tour, but you may loose that extra weight around the middle.


Source by Rich Marsiglia

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