
Have you been searching for golf tips for a new golfer, only to feel overwhelmed at some of the stuff that you see? This is a problem for many beginning golfers, I mean I have been playing golf for years, teach lessons, and still do not understand some of the nonsense that is floating around out there! Golf is a complex game, but you can make it a lot easier by simplifying things, which is what I am going to do with these 3 tips.

1. The first thing that you need to do is focus on your setup position. Ball position is vital to success, and so is posture. You want to keep your back straight and bend from the hips, with your knees flexed like you are about to field a ground ball in baseball or softball. With regards to ball position, you want the ball to be even with your left heel with the driver, and move the ball further back in the stance for shorter clubs.

2. Another one of the golf tips for a new golfer that does not get much attention is good swing tempo. Swing tempo is vital to a good golf swing, and without it you are never going to play consistent golf. Think of taking the club back and through at the same pace, as this will improve your ball striking and increase your good shots.

3. Another tip is to keep the golf swing as simple as possible. I know that I touched on this earlier, but it really does matter a lot that you do this. The more complex swing thoughts you have, the worse you are going to play. So concentrate on a simple golf swing method that you can use to start playing better golf fast.

This is what I did, and it made all of the difference in my golf game.


Source by Matthew Lord

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