
Golf swing improvements are something every golfer thinks about,
Whether you've just started out or you've been playing golf for
the past 20 years.

In fact, even the pros get help with their
golf swing and hire professional golf swing instructors. Even
Tiger Woods constantly works to improve his golf swing. So how
do you go about making positive golf swing improvements?

A big difference between top golfers and the rest of us (borders
pure talent, of course) is that the top pros analyze their swings
so they can implement the necessary golf swing improvements into
their game. What do I mean by this?

Most golfers have days where they are hitting the ball beautifully
and days when nothing goes right. The problem is, most of us have
no idea what we are doing right on the good days and what we are
doing wrong on the bad days.

And that makes it tough for us to
improve our golf swing. The pros analyze and learn what mistakes
they are making so they can fix those problems in their golf swing
and minimize those mistakes in the future.

Ultimately, how good you get at golf is going to be determined by
your natural ability and talent. But everyone can make big improvements
in their golf game if they take the time to analyze and understand what
they are doing wrong.

If you can learn the fundamentals of a proper golf swing and repeat
them consistantly, you'll become a better golfer. And if you can
analyze your golf swing and understand the things you may be doing
wrong, you can improve your technique. The basics of a good golf
swing are as follows:

* Grip

* Stance (Posture)

* Hand and arm alignment

While you can improve your golf swing by understanding all the different
components of a good golf swing, this can also cause a lot of problems.

By focusing on the hundreds of little aspects of your golf swing (grip,
wrist cock, pullaway, hip movement, pivot, etc.) you overwhelm yourself
mentally and make it very hard to make a good swing.

A good idea is to watch golfers who have good golf swings and then try
and imitate them. By seeing those golf swings in your mind and trying
to duplicate it, you take away focusing all those hundreds of little
steps, freeing up your mind and body to focus on recreating a smooth

A classic book on this topic of improving sports performance through
this mental recreation is called The Inner Game of Tennis. Yes, the
topic is tennis, not golf, but the principles apply to any sport.

Stop overwhelming yourself mentally with a hundred different things
you need to do in your golf swing and try to recreate the image
of a good golf swing to improve your golf game .


Source by Tim Hathaway

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