
New rules have been introduced in the game of golf that limit the groove volume on golf clubs that have a loft equal to or higher than 25 degrees. This generally speaking will be anything above a 5 iron. The rules mean that there is a limit on groove edge sharpness on the clubface and the shape of the grooves has therefore been redefined.

The new rules only really apply to all golf clubs manufactured after 1 January 2010. Any golf clubs manufactured before this date that previously met the regulations will still be valid until at least 2024. Pre 2010 models can still be manufactured until the end of 2010.

The new groove regulations mean that it is likely to be harder to hit a shot from the rough and get as much spin on it than was previously possible. They are implementing this change because they feel that golfers should be more highly rewarded for fairway accuracy than is currently the case. It will effectively penalise those that do not stick to the fairway.

From 1 January 2010 all professionals and amateurs qualified to play in professional tournaments are affected by this ruling. The ruling will apply to lower level professionals and elite amateurs from 2014. It is likely that the ruling will be applied to all golfers with effect from 2024 but this will be reviewed in 2020.

So, if you are an everyday golfer then you don’t really need to worry about these rules as they stand now. You can still use your existing clubs but keep in mind the changes if you are looking to change your clubs in the next few years and make sure you get ones that conform to the new regulations so that you are not restricted as to how long you can use them for.


Source by Marian Lishman

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