
Golf exercises involving flexibility training can improve your shoulder turn and golf swing speed. The biomechanics of the golf swing require high levels of flexibility to execute correctly. And all to often the golfer is lacking in the required levels of flexibility to execute the golf swing correctly, resulting in compensations to occur within the swing. Causing a loss of club head speed, distance, and accuracy with every shot in the bag.

In order to prevent such a situation from occurring and to allow you the opportunity to execute the golf swing correctly. We must assure ourselves your body has the flexibility levels required of the golf swing. The achievement of this result can occur through the utilization of flexibility exercises for golf.

First off let us quickly define flexibility. Flexibility is the ability of your body to move through the “required” range of motion to perform the activity at hand (a simplified definition but it work it for us). Knowing this definition and combining it with what you know about golf swing mechanics. We can come to the conclusion that in order to swing a club on the correct path, the body must have the required flexibility parameters to move that club on the correct path.

The most common areas of the body where flexibility becomes an issues for the golf swing and most individuals is the lower back, hamstrings, hips, and shoulders. “Tightness” in any of these areas of body can impede the ability of drawing the club on the correct swing path. Resulting in poor execution of the golf swing itself.

Now here is the interesting point about flexibility and the golf swing. The greater range of motion you can get the club to move through in relation to the swing plane (remember, range of motion is contingent on your bodies flexibility), the greater amount of power you can develop. Thus allowing you to increase your clubhead speed, increase the distance of your drives, and lower your scores. A pretty simple equation when you put it all together.

So if you are finding “tightness” in any of the muscles incorporated within the golf swing this could well be hampering your swing and the distance you are hitting all of your golf shots. Implementing golf exercises in the form of flexibility training in your golf fitness program could help this situation.


Source by Sean Cochran

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