
What’s more exciting than a load of golf driving tips that are going to give you that extra length off the tee? I don’t know about you but I always love stepping up to the ball with confidence and ripping it 300 yards down the fairway, slap bank in the middle. You feel good, and you’re the last to play the next shot because you’re the closest to the green. Some would say that’s an advantage. It pays to drive it further as long as you keep it accurate!

Golf Driving Tip 1 – A nice firm base!

The driver is the biggest club in the bag and requires a more sweeping action to strike the ball off the tee. In order to give yourself a nice firm steady base to leverage your power you need to have a nice wide stance. Slightly wider than shoulder width is perfectly adequate and will allow you to really get the coil and the weight transfer going without losing your balance!

Gold Driving Tip 2 – Weight Transfer

This is key. If you get this wrong then you can kiss good bye to any chances of hitting a 300 hundred yard drive. With anything, if you want to put maximum force into a ball, you need to leverage the momentum and power of your body. That means throwing your body into the movement!

If you’re right handed, when you bring the club back, try and make sure you really feel your weight over your right leg (reverse this if you are left handed obviously) and then come through onto your front leg. Watch the swing sequences of the pro’s, you’ll see just how they use their weight to get maximum power!

Golf Driving Tip 3 – Massive Shoulder Turn

If you look at the powerhouses in modern golf, the likes of Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, Jon Daly and so on, these guys all have a massive shoulder turn and coil themselves up in the backswing. This tension is key for getting as much power into and through the ball as possible. A lot of the professional golfers nowadays turn the shoulders way beyond 90 degrees. Get a full shoulder turn and make use of your power!

Golf Driving Tip 4 – Don’t rush the downswing!

I know you want to hit the ball absolutely miles so that you can carry the bunker at 250 yards down the fairway but rushing into the downswing isn’t going to help you get that extra yardage. The most important thing when trying to hit the ball a long way is technique and timing followed by club head speed. If your arms are swinging too far ahead of your body because you got carried away then you can expect a catastrophic slice, hook or duff shot that barely reaches 200 yards. Get the club to the top of the backswing, put it into the correct plane and then power through like you mean it!


Source by Selin Aydoshan

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