Training Videos | Golf Box Usa | Page 8

Golf On Tour: The Pre-Shot Routine the Pro’s Use

Do you have a good pre-shot routine? In this golf instruction video PGA golf instructor Lawrie Montague will show you step by step how to construct a pre-shot routine used by many PGA money leaders because of its simplicity and its emphasis on setting up your shoulders and feet sqaure to the target line everytime.
Lawrie has been teaching this exact pre-shot routine to his students at his leading golf school  for many years because it’s easy to learn and easy to do.

PGA Tours: The Golf Swing Lag Technique

Golf club lag describes the trailing or following condition of the golf club in the downswing. A lagging golf club helps to keep the golf club accelerating steadily.
In this video golf instruction lesson from top PGA golf instructor Lawrie Montague will show you a simple way to create more lag in your golf swing.
Many amateur golfers over-accelerate the golf club leading to many problems like fat golf shots and thin shots.
Over-acceleration occurs when the golf club head accelerates too soon in the downswing leading to the golf club slowing down rapidly as it strikes the golf ball leading to much shorter distance and inconsistency.




One of Australia’s most successful PGA golf instructors David Milne discusses a new golf improvement program for advanced golfers designed by leading golf instructor Lawrie Montague called The Elite Golfer Improvement System.
This unique 12 week golf improvement program is designed for advanced and elite level amateur golfers and professional golfers and shows you step by step how to design your golf practice program to break 80, break 75 or break 70.