Steep Downswing Golf Drill
Here’s a simple and effective golf drill to eliminate chopping and the steep downswing that rob your game of power and consistency.
Steep Downswing Golf Drill
Here’s a simple and effective golf drill to eliminate chopping and the steep downswing that rob your game of power and consistency.
Are you still struggling with Chipping? We cover the 3 most important areas of chipping to help you achieve your Tour Precision!
There are 3 main categories when talking about chipping more consistently:
1. Club Selection
Unless you are able to practice regularly, stick with 1 or 2 main clubs on all chip shots, typically a pitching wedge and a lob or sand wedge. Getting a feel for 1 or 2 clubs is going to be easier than trying to master 3 or 4 for each specific situation or lie.
Pitching Wedge – use when you want to get the ball on the ground sooner and rolling out more (more of a bump and run technique)
Lob or Sand Wedge – for shots that travel farther in the air with less roll out (more of a high soft shot or flop shot)
2. Setup
Feet closer together, pressure slightly forward, hands basically in line with the ball. A common mistake is to have the hands way too far in front, which de-lofts the club, resulting in a lot of golfers hitting down too much on the ball and chunking the shot.
Ball position should be pretty center of the stance, back a little bit if you’re in a bad lie or thick rough.
3. Motion
When you take the club back, make sure the club head stays outside the hands. Swinging around the body or dragging the club inside tends to make golfers hit behind the ball and chunk the shot.
Swing more high to low, rather than low to high. Low to high motion results in a flipping motion, which can cause a bladed shot.
Backswing Drill – Stop Swaying on the Takeaway!
This drill will help you stop swaying on your backswing. This drill will also teach you to keep your weight on the front foot during your backswing, so you can easily unwind using the Large Muscles for a more reliable golf swing.
Wrist Hinge Simplified
When and how you hinge the wrists in the golf swing. Golf can be difficult and in this video I show you how to hinge the wrists correctly and what not to do.
This simple golf concept will help you understand how the hands work in the golf swing.
These three simple drills can improve your golf swing and better your scores in just five minutes a day. The developer of the Orange Whip Trainer, Jim Hackenberg, teaches you three drills that will help you hit the golf ball farther with more power and consistency:
1. Torso Twist Drill
2. Hinging Forearm Rotation Drill
3. Full Swing Drill.
Golf Swing Rotational Drills
Maintaining a solid posture and proper hip rotation acts as one of the most essential components of any golf swing.
As our body’s core provides the bulk of our power during the backswing, practicing golf rotation drills for controlled posture will yield instant improvements in our game.