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Swaying off the golf ball in the backswing and not sure how to fix it?

In this video I show you how to stop swaying your hips in the golf swing and play better golf. Discover simple moves you can implement immediately to stop swaying in your golf swing and make more consistent golf swings. 









Learn Ben Hogan and Mike Austins Throwing Action

Ben Hogan and Mike Austin’s throwing action was a huge game changer to my golf game. You should try it.

Ben Hogan wanted three right hands to throw the clubhead. Mike Austin preached throw, not pull, not push, for extra power.

I found throwing improved not only distance, also clubface control.

I practice throwing along the arc created by the compound pivot and left arm.








Hit longer drives- accelerate through the ball

VP of Instruction, Nick Clearwater breaks down what really happens before the club reaches impact and why it’s important that the clubhead speed increases in the downswing.

Nick shows a simple drill you can work on in your spare time with just your driver. So keep practicing Nicks drill and you’re sure to increase your clubhead speed through impact.










In today’s video Chris takes a look at the takeaway and offers a drill that can be used if you fall into the trap that many golfers do when starting the golf swing.









The Backswing Mistake So Many Golfers Make

Today Chris shares with you a fault that he finds himself seeing all to often amongst those struggling with their games, but they almost never see this fault and work on it.

The great news is, its actually a very easy part of the swing to practice and work on and you can begin this work today at home or work.

So many golfers make this backswing mistake, with this video you wont be one of them.











Stop Hitting Fat and Heavy Pitch Shots – in this swing technique for 30-100 pitch shots Golf Coach Rick Shiels explains and shows you how to play pitch shots like the tour pro’s.











3 Keys to hitting 300 yard drives

Every golfer I have ever met wants to hit longer drives with the Holy Grail being to drive the ball 300 yards. If this is also your goal then you will need to master the 3 keys to 300 yard drives.

The longest drivers in the world all have very different looking swings. Watch the World Long Drive Championship each year and you will see many different body shapes and swing styles. Yet if you watch closely you will see that they all have certain characteristics in common.

Now it may be unrealistic to ask you to go to the gym and work out every day of the week in order to get as strong and as fast as these players, but there are a few swing characteristics that you can copy fairly easily and put into your own golf swing. You may not hit the ball as long as the Long Drive players but employing the 3 keys I outline in this video will give you the best chance of hitting 300 yard drives.

Now that you can drive the ball much longer you will have to play more pitch approach shots.










Learn to Hit Bunker Shots

Learn to Hit Bunker Shots

In this video lesson on how to hit quality greenside bunker shots Maria will walk you through the easy way of getting out of bunkers.







