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Golf: Impact Position


The most common mistake that beginner golfers do is having the wrong grip when holding a golf club which usually hinders the golfer into having the correct golf impact position. Though this tip is very minor, remember that it is the basic thing that makes the major things possible, so remember to never neglect the basics because these are given for a reason, and by mastering the basic positions, you will be able to master the position in no time.

Usually, golf beginners place their hands are up on the front leg with their leading wrist bent while their back wrist remains flat. This is something that should be stopped because it is downright wrong. By being in this position, this stops the natural swing of the club to the ball and instead of creating a smooth and straight stroke. It gives a sort of scooping swing which makes the ball go upwards instead of straight, forward and strong. This is a common thing that happens with beginners, luckily, this article will help you know how and where to place your hands to have that correct golf impact position.

The correct position should be the other way around, the leading wrist should be flat while the back wrist is flat, this gives you more room to move and create a stronger, sturdier and straighter swing. It gives you as a golfer more space and strength of impact. Plus, being in the right and proper position will give your body will directly face the ball; remember the proper hand positions; because it makes a lot of difference. It is also the left wrist that gives that pace of impact.

Aside from your hands and wrists positions, remember that your arms and shoulders are important too, just by adjusting your right shoulder, it will help you create more swing and more angle to your swinging golf position. All you have to do is to put your back shoulder to the correct golf impact position, which is imagining that you have a wall parallel to your right shoulder; then make a back swing till your other shoulder is at the same spot as the imaginary wall is. When this happens, you turn instead of swaying which makes the ball go behind you, this actually gives you a great amount of room while you are still inside the target line-and it also gives more weight to the golf club therefore gives more impact. Just make sure that as your body turns, your right knee follows as well, that way, it will be able to control the arch of your golf club and helps you shift your weight more easily. By doing this, it also creates enough club head speed which is very important when hitting the ball.

Your position will definitely be a contributing factor in the improvement of your golf skills. This will give you an advantage or leverage towards other players who never follow the rules when it comes to position. The right position, posture, grip and stance also contributes to getting low handicap. To get a better score in golf, one must learn how to improve one’s golf handicap. The proper golf impact position will definitely help a lot in achieving this goal.


Source by Josh Stamos

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The increasingly popular game of golf can be described as one of the hardest and most frustrating games on the planet. And at the same time can be both an enjoyable and relaxing experience. The thing that most golfers have in common is that just when you think you’ve mastered the art of how to hit a golf ball, new problems begin to occur leaving you to re-think your entire golfing strategy.

The golf swing for example is one of the hardest things to get right when playing golf.

One day it can be fine and the next you can barely hit it off the tee. Why is this?

It could be one of many reasons, the most common being is that you probably altered a part of your swing or setup without even realizing it. Any slight change in anyone’s golf swing can have a huge impact on their game and before you know it you can find yourself in all sorts of trouble.

Below are a few golf tips that most players will find very helpful when it comes to improving their golf swing and overall game:

1. The Golf Grip

The first and one of the most important things every golfer needs to play golf is a good grip. The best tip for a good golf grip is to hold the club quite firm but not too tight. This will give you some freedom and movement and will allow you to swing with ease allowing for a better more relaxed golf swing.

2. The Golf Stance

Probably the most overlooked aspect of the golf game is the stance. The best advice on this matter is simply to make sure that your entire body (eyes, shoulders, forearms, hips, knees and feet) are parallel to the target line where you wish to hit your golf shot.

Posture is also a key factor to your golf stance. Always make sure you bend forward from the waist and keeping your spine as straight as possible. A good tip for this is to lift your head up a little bit so you have to look down your nose at the ball. This is a great way to keep your back that little bit straighter and create better golf shots.

And lastly keep your knees slightly bent with your weight on the balls of your feet to ensure good balance.

3. The Golf Swing

A great golf swing tip is to always remember to swing through the ball and not at it. Doing this will achieve greater extension through your golf shot making for an overall better swing.

A mistake some golfers can make is swinging their club to hard thinking that the ball will travel further. The truth is that a more relaxed swing creates greater club head speed allowing the ball to travel further. Swinging hard causes the body to tense making it a nightmare in some cases to hit a good golf shot.

Overall the best way to achieve results in golf is to believe in your ability and knowledge of the game.

Try not to over think everything, relax and just enjoy playing the game of golf.


Source by Daniel Poundall

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