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Stop Hitting Your Golf Shots Too High. Mark Crossfield PGA professional talks about loft at impact and how it can effect your golf shots. Controlling loft for many …

source – To Learn more about; how to swing a golf club, what indoor technology can do for you, and to learn what new and interesting …



So a good golf swing starts from the ground up. What on earth does this mean? I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, golf instructors and golf magazines throw this phrase around like we all know what it means, as if it’s as easy as 2 + 2 = 4. Well, it’s not quite that simple, and I bet most people have differing ideas about what this means, or how to incorporate this ground up logic into your swing. Enter Sevam1.

Sevam1, a Canadian ex-amateur golfer dropped a bombshell of information in a golf forum in 2008 about what this meant. In fact he claimed that he confirmed his findings with the great Moe Norman. Not only did Mr. Norman affirm what Sevam1 said was the key to the golf swing and swinging from the ground up, but also acknowledged that Ben Hogan was doing the same.

So one of the greatest ballstrikers in the history of the game confides in Sevam1 that the key to the golf swing is in how you grip the ground with your legs and feet. “Grip the ground”? Yes, creating resistance with the ground is the only way in which you can add leverage to your swing.

Think of it this way…is a baseball pitcher able to generate more force and throw a fastball harder if he pushes off the rubber on the pitcher’s mound? YES. If there were no rubber would he be able to throw as hard? NO. The pitcher is creating a resistance with the mound by using the rubber. The same holds true in the golf swing.

But how do you do it? Simple. Well, there is no rubber or pitcher’s mound for you to resist against for any of your golf shots. But, you can still create that type of resistance with your rear foot, the ground, and the spikes in your golf shoes (they’re there for a reason!).

This was the premise behind that golf forum thread in 2008 when Sevam1 was able to break through with tens of thousands of people with this information. The feedback was plentiful, and the results were outstanding.

So, a good golf swing starts from the ground up, so says Moe Norman, Ben Hogan, and Sevam1.


Source by Jack Laurel

Improve your golf with the Nikon Golf Course Management series. Part 1 of the Nikon Golf Course Management series looks at how to make your practice …


Two Senior Golf Swing Tips Hitting a Draw Step-by-Step Checklist: Blog Post: …


How to Break 100 in Golf the Smart Way Hitting a Draw Step-by-Step Checklist: Blog Post: …



The game of professional golf has transformed over the years. Many spectators, journalists, and pros themselves state that golf is now a game of power. Driving distance is integral to winning on Tour, club manufacturers gear much of their advertising around the “power game”, and it is a wish of most every amateur.

Improved distance off the tee or with any club on the course requires increased clubhead speed. Clubhead speed is a product of power in your golf swing. Increasing the power in your golf swing will improve your clubhead speed. Equaling more distance on every shot you desire.

The question to ask is how do you increase the power in your golf swing? Three components exist directly affecting the power in your golf swing:

1) Efficiency of Your Golf Swing Mechanics

2) Power Generating Capacities of Your Body

3) Equipment

Review of the list indicates three integral components exist that directly affecting your clubhead speed. First and foremost are your golf swing mechanics. Golf swing mechanics can either be efficient or inefficient.

Efficient golf swing mechanics allow for you to input the greatest amount of power developed within your golf swing into the club and golf ball.

Inefficient golf swing mechanics result in the exact opposite. Inefficient swing mechanics create what is described as “energy leaks” within your golf swing. “Energy leaks” cause less power to be translated to the club and golf ball. This is because large amounts of energy are lost during the mechanics of the swing.

Again, to improve your clubhead speed and the power outputs within your golf swing. It is necessary to develop efficient golf swing mechanics.

Secondly, equipment does play a role in your clubhead speed. The technological advances in both club and golf balls have an effect. The key to increasing your power outputs in relation to equipment is to get the correct club and ball for your swing.

Matching up your swing and swing speed with the correct equipment will allow you to get the most clubhead speed out of your swing. For example, if your average swing speed is 95 and you are using extra stiff shafts. This could easily result in a loss of clubhead speed in your swing.

It is strongly recommended you get fitted for your equipment. Getting fitted matches up the correct equipment with your swing. Allowing you to get the most “bang for your buck” in terms of your golf swing.

Finally, we come to the topic of this article and that is your body. Your body has a direct affect on clubhead speed. It is your body swinging the club, and generating power within the mechanics of the golf swing.

That being said, developing power within your golf swing is directly related to the ability of your body to generate power. Often times this is the forgotten component by many amateurs in relation to developing power.

In order to increase the power outputs in your golf swing it is necessary to implement golf fitness exercises into your training program.

Golf fitness exercises increase the ability of your body to generate power within the golf swing. Resulting in increased clubhead speed.

What is the best golf fitness exercise to increase power in your golf swing?

Before answering that question we must look at the mechanics of the golf swing. The golf swing is both a linear and rotational movement.

Composed of finite biomechanical movements performed in a specific order. In addition to performing the biomechanics of the golf swing in a specific order, timing each movement is also required.

In order to perform the mechanics of the golf swing correctly it is necessary for the body to have certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power built within the body.

If one does not have these physical parameters developed within the body to a certain level. The ability to perform the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently, and generate power will be compromised.

The answer to the question of the best exercise for improving the power in your golf swing is not one specific exercise.

Improving power in your golf swing requires a “basket or exercises” including flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power training.

A combination of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power exercises are the key to enhancing the power in your golf game.

To summarize, improving the power in your golf swing consist of;

1) Efficient golf swing mechanics, 2) Proper equipment, 3) Golf fitness training.

The combination of these three components result in increased clubhead speed in your golf swing.

Not one single golf fitness exercise can improve the power outputs in your golf swing. It is rather a combination of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power training exercises that enhance clubhead speed.

Implement a comprehensive a golf fitness program into your schedule will undoubtedly increase your clubhead speed, driving distance, and overall performance on and off the course.


Source by Sean Cochran Hey everybody it’s Terry here and today we are learning how to lag in golf swing. After you start your swing what kind of …
