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Golf Swing – Driving Tip
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If you are like many golfers, you want to improve your driver golf swing. Though many players may not be aware of how they can do this. Consider using some drills to enhance your already good drive golf swing, to a great one that will help you take some strokes off of your score. Practice drills are designed to help a player improve their swing and learn the game of golf.
What are golf drills?
Many golf drills are designed to allow the player to conduct a series of exercises all focusing on one specific skill or attribute in the game of golf. The drills are generally conducted in a different way than an actual golf game is conducted, therefore the player may view the drills as out of place or odd looking. Drills only have the results of improving the game of golf, not playing the game of golf.
The following are a few drill methods that you can use to improve your personal golf swing:
The Easy Driver Drill
This drill is a classic one; simply go to your favorite driving range. Hitting the 150 flag is the only goal you should have in your mind. By using this drill, in no time flat, you will find your golf swing has improved dramatically.
The Hip Turn Drill
This drill can be used with any type of club. The drill is designed to create alignment of the hip and sometimes golfers use it as a gimmick trick shot.
To conduct this drill, swing the driver with one arm and keep your body square at all times. You may look a little out of place or odd to other players, but who is developing their hip rotation and who is not? Proper hip rotation is crucial in the game of golf.
Give no Quarter Drill
Another drill that may leave you feeling a little silly, but works nevertheless is the Give No Quarter Drill. This drill works well in developing the swing on all clubs. This drill has the sole purpose of helping you develop balance in your swing. Here is how it works; you would put a quarter on the foot of your lead leg, prior to swinging. The whole objective is to maintain the quarter on your foot during your swings. If you have bad balance, the quarter falls off. If the quarter remains, your balance is looking good.
By implementing and practicing these drills, you will find that your good driver golf swing, turns into a great one in very little time.
Source by Gregg Hall
most repeatable and reliable golf swing DRIVER – powerful & accurate & consistent – PRESENTATIONAL
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How Different Are Golf Range Balls
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What Are Tournament Legal Golf Rangefinders?
The concept of a Tournament Legal Golf Rangefinder has only existed since the USGA and R&A added an extension to Rule 14/3b back in 2006. Rule 14/3b stipulates that a player is prohibited from using any artificial device or unusual equipment for the purpose of gauging or measuring distance or conditions that might affect his play, and the penalty for breaching this rule is disqualification.
This rule in its own right means that any type of golf rangefinder at that point was deemed to be illegal for use in competitions or tournaments. The extension to the rule simply states that “The Committee may make a Local Rule allowing players to use devices that measure or gauge distance only”.
This now means that golf course committees and tournament organisers can apply this local rule to allow players to use a rangefinder that provides distance measurements only in their competitions (which most of them do now!). So the definition of a Tournament Legal Golf Rangefinder is one which has the ability to provide yardage distance measurements only and is used under tournament or competition conditions where the local rule has been enforced.
If you are looking to buy a golf rangefinder and use it in competition it is important that you check it is Tournament Legal and only provides distance measurements because there are lots of rangefinders now available that offer additional features including adjusted yardage measurements for slope angle, temperature and altitude conditions, as well as ones that provide suggestions on club selection.
Although these more advanced type of rangefinders are excellent coaching and training tools and may appear more exciting, at this moment in time they are deemed to be illegal for tournament play, so it is only advisable to buy one of these devices if you are only looking to use it in friendly competition or for practicing purposes.
Tournament Legal Golf Rangefinders also tend to provide you with a very useful scan mode which enables you to pan across the landscape and receive a continuous display of accurate distance measurements to the targets that you scan over. This is a great facility to help with locating lay up points or judging carry distances greenside bunkers or lakes.
Some of the new Tournament Legal Golf Rangefinders currently on offer have become so incredibly fast and accurate at producing results that they can have a maximum distance range of anywhere up to a mile and be accurate to within inches.
Source by Jack D A Brown