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Golf can be a great thing for a father and son (or any combination of parent and child) to do together. However, golf isn’t exactly like football or golf where you can bring the child out to the backyard and throw a ball around with them at any age. Children must be a certain age to learn golf, and by that age you’ll need a little more strategy in teaching them the game than just tossing the ball around.

The first important step in teaching the junior in your life golf is to get them excited and maintain that excitement for a period of time. One of the biggest ways you can do this is encouragement and being positive. You should do this towards the child’s game but also towards your own game. Golf can be a very frustrating game, especially when you begin to take it seriously. Many a golf career has been cut short because expectations of lower scores never came to fruition or came more slowly than expected, so make sure that the child is having fun first and improving second. The child won’t have the perseverance to improve if he isn’t enjoying it to begin with.

If the junior has shown enough interest to warrant purchasing a set of clubs, go ahead and do it. Having their very own set of clubs will often keep children interested in the game long enough to develop some skills. Don’t get them a top of the line set. Children grow fast and are temperamental in their hobbies; an expensive set could be gathering dust in the garage in a few weeks. Besides, expensive golf clubs add so little to your game that you may want to consider making an inexpensive purchase on your next set as well.

When it comes to the actual instruction, there are a few basic things to keep in mind. First, emphasize accuracy over distance. 300-yard drives are exciting but you can achieve par without them. You can’t achieve par without accuracy. Juniors will tend to get excited about long, inaccurate drives that leave them just as far from the hole as a much shorter drive would. Make sure the child knows that long is good, but straight is better.

In the same vein, you will also want to emphasize chipping and putting. Experienced golfers know that more strokes are wasted on the green than anywhere else on the course, but this may not be intuitive to children. If it seems like they want to spend all their time at the driving range, try and get them out to a putting green every once in awhile too.

Finally, your child might benefit from taking some lessons. Many golf courses offer lessons specifically designed for children and the instructors may know some tricks for teaching children the mechanics and fundamentals that you wouldn’t think of. It’s also great for getting to know other children of the same age who are interested in golf. Golfing with dad is great, but your child will appreciate golfing with someone who is at a similar stage in their game, too.


Source by Patrick L. Jensen

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Do you love to play golf but are tired of having to visit the golf club repair shop on a regular basis? If this is the case then you are like many other golfers out there who have to deal with golf club repair on a regular basis just to enjoy the game you love so much. But, what if there was an option for you to avoid frequent trips to the golf club repair shop? What if you could finally play a round of golf with a set of golf clubs that really fit your size and swing without worrying about golf club repair? Well, you can and the way you can is with a set of custom golf clubs. Custom golf clubs may seem like a major expense up front, but if you sit down and consider the price of your current set of clubs in addition to all the golf club repair bills then you will see that when you do the math a custom golf club set really is not that expensive. And, the benefits of having custom golf clubs is that you will play better golf than ever and will enjoy the game even more. But, what are the benefits of custom golf clubs and why should you choose custom golf clubs over others? The following information will guide you to all the benefits and information you need to know about custom golf clubs.

All About Custom Golf Clubs

Just to make a point about custom golf clubs take a look around you the next time you are out on the golf course. Is everyone the same height, weight, sex, and age or are there major differences in appearance? Now, check out everyone’s golf clubs. Are all of the clubs practically the same with standard grips, lengths, and the like? So, what does this observation mean? It means that standard golf clubs don’t fit the majority of golfers. So if you truly want to improve your game you will customize a set of custom golf clubs, just for you. Now, you are probably thinking that custom golf clubs are even more expensive than name brand golf clubs. However, that is not necessarily the case. Not to mention that the fitted custom golf clubs you hear about aren’t anything at all like custom golf clubs, they are made from scratch just for you. Don’t get confused between fitted custom clubs and custom golf clubs. The fitted custom golf clubs simply start out with the standard set of clubs from any golf manufacturer and then they proceed to make the clubs more suitable to your personal and playing traits. Although the custom fitting doesn’t do too much other than cost you money because they are starting with a product that doesn’t fit you to begin with!

Why would anyone anticipate that mass produced clubs would help them play golf at their best? The reason is because golfers want to be better and they believe the hype from the golf manufacturers that the “newest” technology will improve their game. Well, the real answer is not in buying mass produced clubs but rather customizing your own golf clubs. Anyone who has ever had a set of custom golf clubs can tell you that finally having a set of clubs that are the right length, with the right grip, will greatly impact what you shoot the next time you are out on the golf course.

It is simply logical to buy custom golf clubs that are made to fit you or customize your own set of golf clubs. That means your golf swing is analyzed as well as your personal characteristics to create a custom golf club set that works with your golf style and not against it. A custom golf club set will allow you to have grips that are the right size for your hands, heads that reflect your skill, and shafts that are the right length and flex.

When you have your first custom golf club set made you may see some big differences from your last set of clubs. Your custom golf clubs may be a different length or the grip may be smaller or bigger. The flex may be different and the head might be different as well. For some people who set out to play with their custom golf clubs the first day they see amazing results. Others will need to make some changes and practice because although the custom golf clubs really fit their personal characteristics it’s difficult to change after playing with clubs that don’t fit for so long. Just a little practice and patience is all that is needed to see the difference custom golf clubs provide. Not to mention that when you have a custom golf club set made you will have new clubs that won’t be in need of golf club repair any time soon! If you really love golf then a custom golf club set is really worth the investment.


Source by Ant Onaf