Have you ever played golf with someone who is much smaller than you yet still manages to drive the ball down the fairway with seemingly, the strength of someone who is twice their size? If this sounds all too familiar then have you ever thought that this is due to their power golf swing?
To be able to give your golf swing the maximum power there are three things that you should consider. Firstly is the actual sequence of your golf swing, you must get this right in order to be in with a chance of improving your power golf swing. As with anything the only way in which you can improve your golf swing is to practise and practise. Getting your power golf swing right will give you the basics for being able to drive the ball further, something which you will be very pleased about.
Next comes your golf fitness, now this is very different to the fitness that you might be accustomed to in terms of going to the gym and lifting weights. Instead being golf fit means that you are able to play golf without becoming easily tired and can balance correctly and have the required amount of stamina to complete shot after without flagging. Being golf fit is one way to drastically raise your power golf swing like a pro.
Finally you should think about the equipment that you are using when you play golf. Having old clubs that have fractures and weak spots will obviously have an effect on your power golf swing. So make sure that you check your clubs regularly and replace any that are showing signs of wear and tear.
Follow these few steps and you will be capable of having a power golf swing that will send that ball flying down the fairway.
Source by Joe Marquart