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No matter how many books you read, videos you watch on YouTube, or DVDs that you watch on TV, your game will not improve if you don’t practice. One mistake golfers make is they think spending time on the driving range pounding balls is all it takes to improve their game.

First of all get loose. A weighted club can help a lot. If you don’t have one or can’t afford one, take a few slow swings while holding 2 or 3 clubs. You can also pick up a weighted doughnut that will slide over the shaft of the club for a few bucks. You also need to stretch for a few minutes. If you pull a muscle you are done for the day and maybe the week or longer.

After loosening up you are ready to hit some shots. Some say hit short irons first and other say hit the driver first. In my opinion, hit a few drivers first. This gets your swing nice and wide. Don’t focus on your driver, just hit about 5 to 10 shots to get you used to swinging big and wide.

Once you have your feel for the wide arc, move to your short irons. Pick the club you hit best from your pitching wedge to 7 iron. You want to get your confidence up so hit a few shots with the club you are most comfortable with.

Now you are loosened up and ready to practice. I recommend your approach game first. I mean any shot within about 160 yards. Your goal is to pick a point and hit that point within about 20 feet, or whatever distance you feel will get you on the green. Hitting greens is key.

After you have the approach shots down, move to long irons. Don’t spend too much time here. Get comfortable with your contact and leave it at that. When you are a long iron distance away from the hole, you just want to advance the ball anywhere on or near the green.

Finally, grab the driver and get to work. The good short game is key to scoring, but if you can’t hit the ball in play off the tee you are in trouble. Yes, you want to hit bombs, but focus on direction. It doesn’t do you any good to launch the ball 300 yards into the woods. Slow your swing down and get the ball in play. Once you are consistent at putting the ball in play, then start working on hitting the ball farther.

Last but not least, get over to the putting green. A lot of people skip practicing putting altogether. Don’t do it. It doesn’t take very long to hit 60 putts. Pick a fairly flat area and hit 20 from long distance, 20 from medium distance and 20 from knee knocker distance. Focus on aim and weight. When you miss you want a putt that leaves you a tap in.

Practice is key. Get a little range time after work and watch your scores get lower.

Your fitness level plays a huge part in your golf swing.


Source by Marty Calloway

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You are guilty of topping the golf ball when your club face hits too high on it. This can be caused by a lot of factors. One of which is when you sway or let the club head pass the hands during impact. You might be trying to swing too hard as well. That alone produces untimely body and leg actions which would eventually delay the release the of the club head.

To stop topping the ball, here are good tips that you can follow:

1. Work on your tempo. To do this, you have to keep your head still. Extend your arms fully throughout the impact. Try to swing with as much as 80 percent of your arm’s power.

2. Try the penny technique. The penny technique involves the use of a coin in the training. Place the golf ball over a coin or a penny. Try to hit the penny instead of the ball. Practice in hitting the penny from under the ball with utmost consistency. The moment you can do it right, you are sure that your hands becomes trained. If you can’t do it, practice with just the penny in place. Don’t put the ball in yet. Do so continuously until you do it correctly.

3. Consider your ball’s position. Is it too far off from your stance? If so, that’s the reason for topping it. Most probably, you are hitting the ball on the upswing. Or you are intentionally trying to haul the ball up into the air, hence, the topping. To stop topping the ball, try to place it right at the center of your stance.

4. Check you wrists. If your wrists break before the impact, chances are, you are going to top the ball. You should keep your hands, arms, and wrist ahead of the golf ball during the swing.

5. Check your grip on the club. Try to employ the constant light pressure of holding on to it. Observe your grip when you top the ball, then adjust accordingly. Hold the grip with the right tightness throughout the swing. Doing so will keep your body relaxed and topping the ball won’t be a concern. The tension on the grip should only be applied during set up.

6. Check your posture. Try to flex your knees properly at setup. This enables you to be comfortable with the ball. Make sure that you are not too upright when you take the swing.

7. Swing properly. Don’t lift your body away from the ball, especially not as you follow through. Make sure that your left arms do not bend during impact. Because if that happens, there’s simply a great deal of tension applied. Keep your swing soft. That’s the key.

These are things you have to consider to minimize topping the ball. And another tip: Try to finish keeping your right shoulder in a lower position than your left shoulder when you follow through. And make it a point that your right shoulder is the one driving into the ball. Also, try to practice taking divots.

Topping the ball is one of the common errors committed in golf. But like any other faults, it can be remedied with the proper training and practice. If you really wanted to correct it, you’ve got to follow all these tips. Only then you’ll be able to amaze your friend on your next game.


Source by Anthony Lee

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