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5 Golf Putting Grips


Putting generally consumes 50 percent of the strokes in a round which is about half of your golf score. Putting should therefore get more attention in practicing and preparing for play. Many top golfers therefore devote much of their practicing time to golf putting practice.

Putting grips

The putter may be gripped in many ways. The golf putting grip basically stabilizes the left wrist so that it does not get bent toward the hole during the follow through of the stroke. If you are struggling on the greens then changing putting grip could do wonders for you. Before you get started, you need to learn how to hold the putter correctly in your hands. Keep the putter flat and diagonally across the fleshy pads of the palm. You need to ensure the putter shaft runs in a straight line with your forearm almost as if it is an extension of your forearm. You can try any of these popular styles.

1. This golf putting grip is popularly known as the Traditional Overlap and is the most popular of our putting grips. Place your left hand to the putter grip and then just below rest your right hand around the putter grip. Connect both of your hands by lifting the index finger of your left hand and wrapping it over the fingers of the right.

2. The Two Fingers Down grip as the name suggest starts by covering both hands around the putter grip in a way that it rests in the palms. Then lift the index finger of the right hand and the left hand and place them so they point straight down the side of the putter grip.

3. The claw is the most unusual golf putting grip. This style of putting grip has saved many golfers trapped in putting crisis. Like the traditional way you should start by placing your left hand on the putter grip. Then place your right hand on top of your putter grip. Finally hook your hand in position by wrapping your right thumb around.

4. The left below right grip has been a popular choice in recent years. It is basically the reverse of traditional golf putting grip. This grip suggests placing your right hand at the top of the putter grip, and your left hand at the bottom. Link both hands by wrapping the index finger of the right hand across the fingers of the left hand.

5. The box grip is a very new style of golf putting grip that has come up in the last couple of years. Place both hands side by side, level with each other on the grip, so that the shoulders are level. Next place your left hand at the top of the grip with the index finger running down the side of the grip. Then put your right hand an inch below so that the hands together form a box shape.

For More information on putting, check out this collection of putting tips: Golf Putting Grips Technique


Source by John Davenport

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The golf pull hook is something that many golfers of all ability levels struggle with. Bad players, average players, and good players all struggle with the hook and how to get rid of it. In this article I am going to tell you two things that you need to do in order to stop pulling the ball, which will hopefully get you on the path to a more consistent golf swing and lower scores.

1. The first thing is that often times the golf pull hook is the result of a poor address position. In fact, hooking the ball can be caused by your shoulders being open or closed to the target line, so it is very important that your shoulders be square to the target line. You can take a club and hold it across your chest to make sure that it is pointing right at the target. In addition to this an open or closed stance can cause a hook. So make sure that you entire body is square to the target.

2. The other thing that causes you to pull the ball is a quick tempo on the downswing. Getting to quick during the transition can really make you start hooking the ball off of the planet. I want to tell you that in order to improve your hook, you need to start your downswing by gently rotating your hips to the left and letting your arms fall into place. This will help your tempo and stop that dreaded golf pull hook.

This problem may just be the beginning of your worries however, and I suggest that if you are having trouble and really want to lower your scores by 5 shots or more that you read some sort of material that will allow you to do that. That is what I did and it made all of the difference.


Source by Matthew Lord

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