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What Starts The Golf Downswing

The golf downswing is one of those age-old questions about the swing… but it’s still an important one! We want to share what we see and offer a different perspective from what you might have heard before.

Backswings just don’t end and the downswing starts. There is a very definable transition sequence that is important to the quality of your strikes.





Swing release and ball striking secrets

In today’s video on swing release Martin Hall and Blair O’Neal are joined by world-renowned teacher Jim McLean to discuss misconceptions about release in the swing and ball striking secrets from Sam Snead.




SMOOTH Tempo Like The Pros

SMOOTH Tempo Like The Pros

Why do the pros we see on T.V. always look so smooth and effortless and you always feel like you are working way too hard and not getting the results you deserve?

Well, in this video I’ll show you why and more importantly, I’ll show you how to get smooth tempo that will lead to effortless power in your swing.




Chris takes a look at how to rotate your hips through impact and shows you how your feet can play an important role in ensuring you do this correctly.

Creating better hip turn will make you create more power and also help you not come over the top and slice the golf ball.

This drill on how to rotate your hips through impact will improve your golf game and make you a much better player.



Pivot Lag in the Golf Swing

Pivot Lag in the Golf Swing

Understanding pivot lag in the golf swing will help you get a feel for changing directions at the top of your swing and how your body moves.

In today’s video Zach takes a look at the pivot and shows you how to practice your pivot to eliminate loss of posture and early release so you can pick up some serious pivot lag.




Ever wondered how to keep the left arm straight in the golf swing?

This is the one video you need to watch NOW to upgrade your golf game.



Why You’re Coming Over The Top In Your Golf Swing and How to Fix it.

The main reason you’re coming over the top is due to overuse of your body, and the sequence of motion in your swing is off.

The first step to fixing this is taking a look at the initial move away from the ball…

In the video you’ll see a simple way to insure that your initial move away gets you into position for an on-plane swing that avoids the over the top move.



Golf Weight Shift vs Hip Turn

In this video, I’m talking about golf weight shift vs hip turn and how you can create more speed and power in your golf swing. Golf weight shift and hip turn play a critical role in the golf swing and is an area where many golfers get mixed up in their golf swing.

Follow the steps provided and you’ll gain a better understanding of how the shift and turn works in your golf swing.

