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Golf Side Bend – The Key to a Great Downswing

IN A GREAT DOWNSWING YOU MUST BEND YOUR BODY SIDEWARDS. PGA Professional Robin Symes explains what is side bend, and shows drills to increase your side bend in the downswing.

Anybody who’s struggling, moving their upper body first, again I think this could be really crucial for you to learn. So learning the windmill drill, practice pointing your right arm at the ball, left arm at the sky. That will insure you’re rotating and side bending.




Putting Drill That Saves 5 Strokes Per Round

This putting drill seems like it covers putting basics, but if you really want to learn how to improve your putting stroke, this is one of the best golf lessons for you to learn.



Simple, Easy Drill To FIX Early Extension

Early extension is a problem that plagues many golf swings around the world. It often comes from a player spinning their hips early and letting their right heel come off the floor way before it should do.

Dan talks through how to fix early extension and then at the end of the video he goes through a really easy drill that requires only a golf club, that gives instant kinesthetic feedback if you do it right or wrong.



Hands in Front at Impact Drill

Hands in Front at Impact Drill

Having your hands in front at impact is one of the traits that all great golfers display. Here’s a simple drill to help you learn the feeling of how to achieve this and improve your golf.



Lead Leg Step Drill

Lead Leg Step Drill

Here’s a great drill for getting the feel of weight transfer to build a better pivot around on your lead leg..




Stop over the top – Shallow the club in transition

In today’s video Steve explains a drill he uses to shallow the club in transition and stop an over the top movement.




In today’s episode you will learn a pivot drill that will improve your backswing instantly.

If your new to the game try this backswing pivot drill in the mirror or on the driving range to improve your game!




How to Improve Your Golf Grip Part 2

Improving your game starts with the basics. How you grip the club affects so many aspects of the golf swing, from swing path to face angle.

Nick Faldo shows some tips to help you better understand the effect that different grip variations have on your shot.



