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Make struggling with your golf takeaway a thing of the past as RST Founder Chuck Quinton guides you through the simplicity of the RotarySwing Tour takeaway.


Sidearm pitches to fix the over the top move

In today’s video Patrick Nuber demonstrates the Sidearm Pitches Drill to improve the way your trail elbow moves in the downswing.

This drill will help to *finally* improve that over-the-top move and produce solid, drawing golf shots.







For All my Golf Tips and Drills check out my full membership site here: Use “ggswingtips” coupon code and get a 5% discount …


Strength, Balance & Flexibility Exercises for Golfers - Fitness Blender Golf Workout - Donated Video

Find out how & why this Golf workout works: Lose 16-24 lbs in 2 months with our detailed breakdowns of daily workout plans using our wor…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Steve Buzza speaks with Matt from Callaway Golf on why adding hybrids and utilities can help your game. Follow the Buzzman on Twitter @SteveBuzzaGolf …


No tournament in golf underlines the need to putt great like the Masters. But how can you improve your putting stats? Butch Harmon School of Golf director of …


Beginner Golf Basics – Me and My Golf PGA Professionals Piers Ward and Andy Proudman have created a 4 part video series that will help you learn and …



Many players have trouble making solid contact with their fairway shots. Too often the club will contact the ground before it contacts the golf ball compromising shot distance and flight control. In this video I’ll explain some of the more common reasons for this shot, as well as a progression of drills that will have you hitting the ball solid every time. For more free golf lessons visit