I have told you the secret of how to turn your body during
your whole golf swing. However this is not quite enough.
Almost but not quite.
As I have mentioned already, the back swing is made by
pressing your arms just below the arm pits against your
chest for all of the back swing, and down swing too. If you
watch Peter Lonard, you will find he uses this method. His
swing is so simple it is almost elementary. He has stripped
the swing down to its skeletal form.
However at the top, he cocks his wrist to get his club
horizontal before beginning his down swing. He is so quick
that one can easily miss his action.
You can do this too if you so desire. However, believe me;
from personal experience this is not necessary.
Just turn your chests as previously described until your left chin
is beneath your shoulder in a very comfortable position – don’t strain –
and then go into your down swing.
Now if you depend totally on turning your body to complete
your down swing, you will hook your golf ball. So, make
sure your hit is slightly away from you. Hit out on the
No, it will not go to the right and finish in the
trees. Yes, it will start a little right, but because you
have hit the ball like this you will have imparted an anti
clockwise spin to it and it will draw back onto the line
you want.
Your hooking days will be over. Your accuracy
will improve out of sight and so will your distance.
Of course you must watch the ball.
This becomes much easier
with this swing and lifting your head will become a thing
of the past too if you concentrate.
Your short game will have to come into the equation to allow you to
get a good score of course but that aspect of the game is outside the
scope of this article.
There are some other important aspects to the golf swing I
have described. However these are very basic and must be a
part of every single golf swing, no matter how you do it.
The first is the straight left arm. You must keep your left
arm straight at all times during the swing. This is basic
and absolutely essential.
It is a common fault to have the
left arm straight at address and for part of the back swing
only to have it bend at the top and collapse on the down
Any one who does this has no hope of consistency of
action. The swing will be different every time. This is
because swing path and degree of bend at the elbow will not
be consistent. It just can’t be. Of course the arm bends at
the elbow at the finish of the swing.
The next thing is the elbow. There are some who advocate
turning the elbow in an anti-clockwise direction at address
and then maintaining this position during the swing. They
argue that this makes them keep their left arm straight
during the whole swing. It does too and if you like it and
it works for you then please continue. However, it is not
technically correct.
Try to keep your stance and swing as natural as possible.
This means not turning your elbows in any direction at
Just let the arms hang naturally and have no
strain at the elbows.
When you let your arms hang down
naturally, your elbows will take up the position they have
when your arms hang naturally at your side. This is the
orthodox position.
The next thing is the action of the hips.
Actually the hips will look after themselves.
The only thing I must emphasize is the action of the left knee on
the back swing. The movement of the left knee must be
forward. That is out in front of you. Do NOT move your left
knee to the right. It must move straight forward.
That is all you have to worry about with regard to your hips during
the swing. As you turn your chest, the hips will follow. If
you try to emphasize the hip movements, things will not go
as you would like.
Have a look at the Korean and Vietnamese women on tour in
the USA. I am sure they have been coached along these
lines. I would not have known this if I had not worked out
all this stuff I have been telling you. Then knowing what
to look for, it has become glaringly obvious that this is
the swing they are using with such success and brilliance.
Source by Bill Maitland