Without a massive change, Alan a 12 handicap amateur, experiences improved ball striking, a change in ball flight from cut to draw and an extra 15-20 yards in around 6 minutes! This is why…
Brief Lesson in PlaneSWING Golf Training Aid
According to experts, the game of golf is a mental game first, and a skills game second. If you've played golf before, you'll most likely agree. If you're a beginner, then this tidbit of information can change the way you approach the game. If you've been trying to master golf for years and have not had any serious luck, then maybe you just need to understand this fact more. If you blame your poor performance on poor equipment or the lack of shiny golf gadgets, all the more reason to learn about the subliminal power needed to become a golf master.
So what is this subliminal power we're talking about? It's the same thing that even Tiger Woods has been using since he was 13. Subliminal power is the power of the subconscious mind to affect your reality, which includes your golf skills, movements, techniques, habits, and your overall ability to play. To be able to harness this power, you need to make your subconscious mind believe that you are a natural whiz at golf. The mind then automatically cooperates with you to enhance your golf-playing skills.
Aside from being effective, the mental technique of subliminal golf power is also a surprisingly affordable way to improve your game.
It's a mystery why only a small percentage of golf players use this technique.
So how does subliminal golf power work exactly?
1. Attention Control. To play the mental game of golf, you need to use your mind to produce better results when you play. And for your mind to cooperate with you, it has to be clear and focused. This is the first ingredient in subliminal golf learning. You need to control your attention so it is focused on the game, with no chances for distractions.
2. Confidence Booster. Subliminal golf power also requires the ingredient called confidence. In order for your mind to produce desirable results, it has to believe in your own ability to play golf masterfully. The mind thrives on confidence. If you believe in yourself and in your game, your mind will be in its best state and will work its hardest to make you the best golf player you can be.
3. Anxiety Buster. Concentration is a key aspect in a golf game, and one of its worst enemies is anxiety. An anxious mind is one that is also unable to achieve full concentration. So before you can pour all your concentration into your game, you need to cure the very common anxiety and nerves that affect a lot of golf players.
4. Anger Remover . Lastly, a lot of players focus too much on the competition, and competition is the fuel for a lot of negative emotions. There is a certain level of healthy competition needed for an extra motivation, but if uncontrolled, competition can give rise to many negative emotions, the first of which is anger. And if you have anger in your mind, then your mind will not be able to focus on the game. If you are fueled by anger, the results will most likely be negative.
To get all these beneficial ingredients in subliminal mind power, you need to fill your head with positive subliminal messages that focus on your mind's ability to concentrate, on your self-confidence, on your freedom from anxiety, and on your freedom from anger. These messages can help prepare and cultivate the mind to make it a mind master in golf.
Source by Nelson Berry
Golf Stretches Right in Your Office Can Improve Your Game
Yes you heard it right! Golf stretches in your office. What a great way to take a quick break from your computer to not only feel better in the moment, but improve your game at the same time.
I've come up with many clever ways to work around the "I do not have time" reason (excuse).
You can not tell me you do not have 15 seconds at your computer … an no-less in your chair? That's right … I have come up with a whole routine you can do at your office that will quickly and dramatically improve your range of motion in your golf swing.
How many times have you been sitting at your computer with pains in your neck, back, shoulders, hips and even feet? Now you can do simple golf stretches to alleviate these nagging aches and pains.
I've been there and that's why I've come up with a simple and quick routine to solve this very common problem.
If you are a fanatic golfer like me … you think about golf 24/7. Even at work! There's nothing wrong with that as long as you're getting your work done.
But why not make valuable use of that quick moment for golf by doing a stretch at your desk without leaving your chair?
You'll be amazed how good you feel and how much better your golf game gets. The KEY is to stretch whenever you get a quick 15 seconds. Just think how many stretches you could get in during one day.
I firmly believe in being efficient with your time and making the most of your day. I'm going to give you one (of many) stretches you can do, in your chair in front of your computer.
I call it the Seated Twist (in your chair):
- Sit upright in your office chair, with chest high and back straight.
- Reach behind you with one arm, which will rotate your upper body.
- While staying very erect, twist as far as you can go and hold.
- Twist the other way and repeat.
- Go both sides 2-3 times, holding for 10 seconds.
This is a very effective stretch for reducing and / or eliminating back back pain and quickly improving your backswing and follow through range of motion, resulting in higher clubhead speed and more importantly distance.
Do it right now and see how much better your back feels.
This is just one of many stretches AND golf exercises you can do in your office in less than one minute.
Take ACTION and do that golf stretch right now!
Source by Mike Pedersen
GOLFONLINE VOUCHER LINK https://www.golfonline.co.uk/golf-news/chance-win-20-golfonline-gift-voucher-nd-801284746 GOLF SWING WRIST ANGLES EXPLAINED, Mark Crossfield answers another viewers…
Raising Your Head During Your Golf Swing – Learn One Simple Method to Get Rid of This Bad Habit
Whenever I am enlisted to tutor a beginner, I know going into it that one of the problems that they will start off with is the raising of their head during their swing. As minuscule of an issue as it sounds, you would think this bad habit would not be so rampant. But, as we have it, many inexperienced golfers (and experienced golfers, mind you) can find the cause of many seemingly unrelated faults in their game in their head movement.
Moving your head during your swing is not necessarily a bad thing. Players who know what they are doing will move their head, but only as a result of a change in their posture (or, as we in the business like to call it, their “spine angle”). Note, however, that I did not say these players “in the know” raise their head. Oh no, that’s the last thing any player would want to do. Their head just shifts its directional placement a tiny amount.
Raising your head during your swing can cause you to anticipate the point of impact before your club head reaches the ball, resulting in a huge decrease in your potential distance, and a “ballooning” affect on your shot. In some cases, it can also contribute heavily towards exaggerating a slice or pull, or cause you to top the ball for a good old “worm-burner” shot. Watching your ball dribble down the fairway without so much as 3 feet of distance between the ground and the ball after impact is a lonely feeling, let me tell you.
Here is what you can do to fix this problem – if you are at home, go outside and take a short golf club with you, along with your club of choice to swing with. Now, position the shorter club against your butt so that it feels almost as if you are sitting on the club (Note: do not actually sit on the club. You should only lean into it slightly). Now, take normal swings as if you were knocking your ball across the fairway. Once you have “made impact” with your imaginary ball, you can come out of your position, letting the short club fall to the ground.
This may seem a little silly to do at first. However, with practice, you will see a major improvement in your game as a whole.
Source by Hank Gilbert
School of Golf: Hit it out of the Bunker | Golf Channel
In this golf instruction clip, Sara Brown and Martin Hall show you how to improve your bunker play by selecting the right loft. For more School of Golf tips, visit: http://bit.ly/1w2tniR Download…
SOFT PITCHING FREEDOM | Wisdom in Golf | Shawn Clement
Golf tips • instruction • lessons • http://www.wisdomingolf.com Finally outside in Florida for some short game practice and tips! http://www.facebook.com/wisdomingolf http://www.twitter.com…
Golf Fitness – Expert advice shows how Power Max Fitness will improve your golf swing.
http://www.powermaxfitness.com – Golf Fitness experts reccommend the Power Max Fitness Golf Swing machine to exercise and improve their golf swing.