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Avera fitness expert Dick Bartling shows how to strengthen the forearms with a 5 iron. Hi, I’m Dick Bartling, Golf Fitness Expert at the Avera Sports Institute, and I want to show you an exercise…


29 Tips for Every Golfer Music: David Cutter; Galactica Golf course: Palm Springs. Terra Lago. 1) Don’t chase a score on the course, you have to stay patient…



There are many things you need to take note to improve your golf games. The downswing is one of the important skills that you need to improve in the aspect of golf swing. Usually the downswing is the one things which confuses many golfers. What consider a correct downswing? A correct downswing movement must result in a powerful swing into and along the intended line of flight, through impact. Therefore I will highlight some of the useful tips that can help you to improve your downswing.

Tip 1 – Golf stance

When you do your downswing make sure to position your feet so that they are shoulder-width apart. Your shoulders should also be aligned with the target. A good guideline is to have your right foot point straight while your left foot is pointed slightly left. Be sure that your elbows are kept as naturally relaxed as possible.

Tip 2 – Gesture setup: Keep your shoulder straight when perform downswing

Shoulder is usually open when you perform downswing. In order to have good downswing, you need to have your shoulders straight, square at impact, or better still, fractionally "closed". In addition, you need to follow the straight line to ensure that your path is not deviate. If your club curve off you will notice that your golf ball will end up curve line.

Tip 3 – Hit the ball as powerful as possible

Hit the ball as powerful possible when you hit the ball. When you are doing the downswing, ensure that the shoulder is in the square of impact and you follow the ball in straight line. If weaker shoot is performed is because of you had dominated the strength on your right hand cause the club head forward as you swing. Imbalance strength destroys the path line. Control your left and right hand when you use the back swing and downswing.

Tip 4 – Keep the club head and the shaft behind your hands

Keep your club head and shaft behind your hands during your downswing. This enable your hands to sense and anticipate release for the entire movement. Watch the tempo of downswing, using right hand prematurely will miss out the timing as well as the downswing path.

Tip 5 – Left arm and hand should not propelled downwards after the downswing

When doing your downswing, your left arm and hand should not be propelled downward because of the body and shoulder action. Instead it should swing down freely and independently from your shoulders.

Improving your downswing is not as difficult as you think, with more practice and useful guideline you will develop a smooth downswing in every game.


Source by Shirley Kok ⛳ Golf Lessons That Actually Work….. Reserve your Spot for the FREE GG SwingTips Workshop (LINK BELOW) Also, Watch…


The maraging steel face in the new G400 hybrid flexes the full thickness of the face for hotter ball speeds and higher launch. Discover more about the new hybrids from our PING pros.

source presenteert een reeks instructievideo’s die je klaarmaken voor het nieuwe golfseizoen. Week 01: Fitness oefeningen.




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Golf Fitness (Where to Start) Steve Buzza gives an overview on how to improve your fitness to aid your golf. Subscribe to the Channel Follow me on Twitter @SteveBuzzaGolf Follow me to…
