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You are currently watching a video about the this tip is so simply brilliant it’s already helped thousands of golfers. If your interested lessons then please visit the website.

Online lessons are also now available and more information will be on my website soon…


By most accounts a short backswing in golf is better, because you avoid the problems of over swinging and the dreaded “across the line” position at the top of the backswing. Just by looking at golfers like Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, and especially Camilo Villegas have tried to shorten their back swings and quiet the excess motion in the golf swing.

So why is a short backswing better? Well the reasons are abundant, but the most important factor is that you avoid losing control of the club at the top. A smooth transition is essential to a solid golf swing, but to do that you need to have a solid back swing. So toning down on the back swing will promote greater accuracy.

Most people have to long of a backswing because they are trying to increase their shoulder turn. To turn your shoulders you do not have to take the club past parallel! In fact, i can turn my shoulder over 90 degrees without my club even reaching parallel. The key to hitting the ball long and straight is to have a big shoulder turn, and that does not mean a long backswing.

A short backswing in golf is better, simply because that is what all of the professionals are working on. Look at J.B. Holmes and Camilo Villegas, these are two of the longest hitters on the PGA tour and they do not even bring the club to parallel at the top. If the top players in the world are doing it then chances are it can help your game too!

So next time you head to the range make sure that you are not over swinging and this should help you hit the ball further and much more solid.

Source by Matthew Lord

Tee Your DRIVER This HIGH – In this weeks Impact Show we detail the importance of hitting the ball in the centre of the face and making sure that your tee height suits your golf swing!


Playing Bethpage Black from the tips on the last day before the PGA Championship! This should be fun! Comment your score predictions! Subscribe Today!


A good short game is key to low scoring, and having a great technique can really help with this, however, reading the lie and understanding how the club, ball …


Gain 30 to 50 yards by Increasing your Club Head Speed 

In this video Mike Dero describes the essential elements of club head speed.

If you want to increase your club head speed here are a couple swing and alignment tools you can purchase for under $10 Bucks.. that will help you do just that.

With these simple golf tips and practice tools you’ll be crushing the ball farther and straighter in no time…. 





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