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If you have watched any golf on TV you will almost certainly have noticed the huge divots that get taken with the irons from the fairway, however the majority of amateur golfers struggle to do this and often pick the ball off the top of the turf.

This usually results in weak shots, often poor contact and highball flights.

This short videos covers the concept of taking divots and explains some of the key moves and concepts that are required to really strike the golf ball well and get more from your irons shots.



Weight Shift for Power

If you want to hit the ball long and straight. But struggle with weight shift, you’ve found the right lesson!

If you don’t shift your weight properly, you will not be able to use your body weight and the ground force as source of power.

Lack of weight shift will lower your chances of going into the ball with a square face.

That means you will end up putting a lot of side spin on the golf ball. Resulting in short distance and off line shots.

I will show you a fantastic drill tohelo you learn the correct weight shift move!




In this video Jim shows us what he’s done throughout his golf career to keep his swing plane in check, and a few drills and feels you can start using to fix your swing …

When it comes to fixing your golf swing plane, we’re mainly concerned with the position of your club from the right hip to the left hip.

We’re not concerned as much with the backswing at this point.

The fact is, we’re all built differently, and we have our own idiosyncrasies in our swing…

Even on the PGA Tour, when you look at players like Jim Furyk, Freddy Couples, and Jason Dufner, their backswings are all different, but they all arrive at impact in a fairly similar position.

To begin, you’ll always start, of course, in a good athletic position at address… and, well… Just watch the video to see how it’s done!



Golf exercises for seniors,

As golfers pass the age of 50, there are 5 specific motions around 4 specific joints that cause decreased power, shorter drives and your golf game to “age.”

There is no reason to stretch every muscle or spend hours on flexibility when you understand this.

You can regain your smooth, youthful golf swing in minutes per day with Age Defying Golf.



You are currently watching a video about my favorite tip that will transform your golf swing.

Early release- stop getting flippy through impact with your trail hand.

This video is all about how your hands should move in the golf swing specifically at impact, it’s really important to understand how your hands should move to have the best chance of getting consistent in your golf swing. 



Golf Bunker Shot Tips

Bunker Shot Tips

What’s the best way to approach the sand shots on the golf course?

Want to improve your bunker game?

In this video Mr. Short Game shows you his top tips for hitting shots out of the bunkers.

These simple tips will give you the technique and confidence you need when you hit your golf ball in these hazards.



Matching up your arm swing and body turn can be a huge factor when looking to add consistency to your golf game, especially with the iron clubs.

In this short video Chris shows you how your golf bag, if correctly positioned, can help you with this and allow you to achieve a more compact, tighter top of the backswing position.



Mastering Your Iron Shot

Mastering the iron shot begins with the proper weight shift in your golf swing.

This lesson will help you hit your irons solid, accurate and with more power everytime!

