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Here is a huge video on flow that validates what we do in a major way: 

Flow the science-THE DEEP NOW-anti-anxiety-motivation comes from it (you want more) we pick up data more efficiently-salience Flow follows focus-right here and right now!

When Brooks Koepka was diagnosed with defective timing because his arms were outracing his chest, was it a case of taking the whole bottle of aspirin? Was it really a defect in his swing like most of us would think or are there other underlying causes that are much simpler to diagnose and treat? This video will allow you to see the other side that has flown under the radar of the golf teaching community and show you why it is so relevant to yours and my success as a golfer!




This video explains the misconceptions about using the ground in the golf swing, and will enable you to maximise your speed through impact.

People that grasp this concept and apply it in their swing will not only hit it farther, but will feel a new sense of stability through the ball.

If you are not using your legs and weight to hit the golf ball then you are not using the strongest part of your body.

This is where all your power comes from when you hit the golf ball. Its an unmistakable feeling that you are using your legs to gain your power.

If you want to hit the golf ball longer, and everyone does, then you want to make sure that you are using your legs and weight shift to gain that distance.

Using your legs and hips is what all pros are doing and the long drivers in the world, if they are doing this then you want to be copying them also.




What’s the biggest mistake golfers make with their footwork?

In this video we’ll tackle that issue and give you the drill to fix it. With this simple golf drill you can get more power, distance and control with your golf shots and shoot lower scores.

Now it’s time to reap all the benefits of better footwork in your golf swing. Why the early footwork is so beneficial to your swing and why it’s going to produce better ball striking.



SKLZ Golf Alignment Sticks 3-Pack




If you have problems with slicing the golf ball, chances are you make 1 or more of these golf backswing mistakes.

The backswing in golf is one of the most scrutinized areas in golf, and often is also incorrectly taught. In this video on backswing mistakes, we look at some of the most common problems, including why they may be leading you to slice the golf ball. We also give you a simple drill that only needs a ball to help cure all 3 backswing mistakes we identify!

There are 3 common backswing mistakes that we see on a regular basis from amateur golfers and weekend warriors:

#1 – open club face at the top of the backswing

#2 – Elbow separation/chicken wing

#3 – Bad turn, arms separate from body

If one (or more) of these fits the bill for you, this video will help you fix these problems and get you on your way to hitting better shots and enjoying the game more!


Tour Striker Smart Ball 

Tour Striker Smart Ball

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3 Power Leaks 

Hitting a nice solid drive is one of the most rewarding feelings in golf. Unfortunately for most casual golfers, getting the most out of your ball off the tee happens rather infrequently. What might you be doing in your golf swing to be leaking power and losing yards? PGA Professional Todd Kolb discusses 3 common power leaks for amateur golfers, including why each is happening and what you might want to do to fix them.

Angle of Attack – hitting up on the golf ball vs. hitting down
Unless you have world class club speed, there is a good chance that if you hit down on the golf ball at impact, you are already losing yards off the tee

Moving off the golf ball – pressure vs. weight
Pressure on the feet–or what you may refer to as weight–moving or swaying off the golf ball to try to get behind the ball. How might this be affecting your driver distance?

Poor Transition – the move from backstroke to downstroke
Knowing the concepts of a proper transition–as well as how you might be leaking power with a poor transition–can help you gain distance off the tee.



In this video you will discover why you may slice your driver and the easiest fix ever to stop the driver slice.

Many golfers try and hit driver as far as possible but this may be causing your slice.

Are you annoyed about slicing your driver? This easy fix will give you all the information you need to fix your driver slice once and for all!

In this video you will discover why you may slice and the easiest fix ever to stop slicing your driver.



Having trouble with those 3 to 4 footers?

Wondering if there is a shortcut to mastering short putts?

Today we’ll show you a fantastic drill to help you perfect your short putting and how To Sink the Must-Make 4-Foot Putts!



How do we know when to extend in the golf swing? For those looking to master their swing posture, this video on 3 Keys to Better Extension through impact is for you.

In this video Chris will cover the proper extension through impact and give you 3 checkpoints to ensure you can achieve this powerful move all while improving the key fundamentals! Start having real control of your game.

