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Understanding Lag

Maintaining lag in the downswing can in many cases help add speed, although how this is done is often incorrect and can lead to more issues.

Too many golfers spend their time on lag techniques that are forced and against your natural mechanics.

In this video Jonathan shows views on creating lag & shaft lean versus releasing the club head.



Shoulder Plane Drills

How to turn the shoulders on plane in the golf swing for consistent swings. If your shoulders work correctly, the club will hit all the proper positions through impact.

In this video Jonathan shows some drills on how to start the golf swing and turn your shoulders in a centered and body friendly way.



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So many golfers want to know what is the best way to release the golf club through impact I thought you’d appreciate some simple drills to get you there.

In this video Clay takes a look at the release of the golf club and answers the question of, ‘How do you release the golf club?’

This is a very common question from golfers and the answers that can help you better understand the release of the golf club.



How do you fix the head from lifting first?

Unwanted head movement is a sure way to be inconsistent with your game. It will affect contact, direction and ultimately your control over the golf ball.

In this video Aimee explains exactly why the head may be moving and then demonstrates one of the best drills to help you get a sense of the correct movement needed to keep your head still through the golf swing.




Learn to square the clubface at impact.

Andrew shares with you how to control the clubface correctly through the hitting zone. He uses some great visuals to demonstrate the roles of the wrists and arms through impact.

Practice this one key move to help you square the clubface more consistently.



Three Easy Drills To Fix Your Legwork

Positioning your legs properly acts as the first step in utilizing your lower body muscles effectively during routine golf swings.

Establishing a good swing stance will enhance your natural posture during swings, often expanding the existing power you’re normally able to expel during your existing swing.

Utilizing your lower body during golf swings will assist in the development of muscle memory throughout your body, which will ultimately create a natural feel to your movements.

In this video Eric shows us how to use our feet in our golf swing with 3 easy drills. 



Golf Drill: How To Drop The Club In The Slot 

Guys dropping the club into the slot in the downswing has been a mystery for golfers for way too long. The ability to drop the club correctly into the slot depends a couple key moves.

At the top of the backswing in golf you want to drop your arms straight down, keeping your head behind the ball, to start the downswing. This does a few things, it keeps your weight on your trail side as your club comes into impact.

This is very important in the impact golf swing. The right elbow will come down and seal to our right side.

As the arms are dropping the right side begins to speed up during the arm drop picking up club head speed and power.

As your arms drop and come into impact the trail shoulder stays underneath the lead elbow until impact.

This promotes an inside approach swing path to the golf ball.

