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Lower Your Golf Scores For Less Than a Dollar

As I give more and more golf lessons, it amazes me how much money people will spend with me and as soon as they leave it is like the golf lesson never happened!

I suggest to all of my students to keep a golf journal. With a golf journal, we can get together at the end of the lesson and discuss what their homework will be until the next golf lesson. The challenge for me is that less than 5% of my students do this and then wonder why they are not progressing as fast as they would like.

D.I.Y. Golf Journal tutorial

I have attempted to emphasize how important this is by bringing a clip board with a lesson sheet on it. I keep notes on it through the lesson for myself as well as for the student. After the lesson, we discuss what is on the sheet and I then scan the sheet and email it to them for them to use, record in their own way way, I guess, trash.

You can improve your golf game and handicap much faster for under a couple of dollars! Although you can purchase a nice golf journal such as The Ultimate Golf Journal by Lisa Bach, you can accomplish your goals with a small notebook that you can keep in your pocket, attach to your push cart or put on the steering wheel of the golf cart while you play.

inexpensive but nice Golf Journal.

There is no secret to improving your handicap and shooting lower scores. The answer is that it practice, practice, and more practice. We have all had those moments on the driving range where we can not miss and the next time out we can not remember what we were thinking or working on to make the ball react the way we wanted. By keeping a golf journal, you can jot it down as it happens or after your practice session. 

Whether you take lessons or not, it is important to keep a golf journal or a small notebook (less than a dollar) with you when you practice or play. It is important to note the flight of the golf balls. Do they start by flying to the left or right? Once they get to the top of their flight do they topple forward or to the left or right? What about the trajectory of your golf shots? Are they too low, or too high? Occasionally after a couple of rounds of golf, you will start to see tendencies. If you do take lessons, this will be valuable information for your professional. As we all know, the golf ball sometimes tends to fly differently once we are on the golf course.

You will also want to begin keeping simple stats in your golf journal. I do this a lot by using a scorecard and using each line for a separate statistic. You will want to keep fairways hit or missed, greens hit or missed, up and downs that are converted and the number of putts that you take on each hole.

By keeping a simple golf journal with some of these easy suggestions along with others that you will come up with in your own, you will begin to see good and bad patterns forming. With this information, you can improve your weaknesses and lower your handicap.

inexpensive but nice Golf Journal             D.I.Y. Golf Journal tutorial





Source by Max X. Johnson


Breathing!! We all do it, but how and when we do it can play a huge role in how well you perform out on the course. Focusing on this during your next round of golf can really help you with focus, routine, composure and tension. In this short video Chris Ryan shows you exactly how to use breathing to help you and your game.


Fix Golf Shanks and Sockets Fast

The worst shot in golf could arguably be the golf shank or socket. Nothing will demoralize you more than getting a dose of these diabolical shots. In this golf instruction video PGA golf teaching professional Lawrie Montague will show you exactly why shanks and sockets happen and how you can easily straighten your stroke so you never hit another one ever again.


Stop Topping Your Golf Shots

Stop Topping Your Golf Shots

Learn to shave strokes from your game, this video will help you stop topping your golf shots. Also see our line of golf training equipment at the best prices anywhere! 



PGA Tours: Swing The Golf Club Like Jhonattan Vegas


Jhonattan (Jonnie) Vegas is one of hot young golfers playing on the PGA tours. At 6 foot 2 inches and 230 pounds he’s a big guy with an effortless looking golf swing technique. Already a winner in his rookie season on the PGA tour we think this guy has a golf swing technique that will keep him high on the PGA money list and playing great golf for as long as he wants.


Hook and Slice Golf Shots Just Like the Pro’s

Do you want to hit big slice shots and hooks around trees and other obstacles when you have to? In this golf instruction video PGA golf instructor Lawrie Montague will show you a simple way to control golf slice shots and hook shots when you are faced with a variety of trouble shot s during a round.

PGA Tours: How to Spin Your Golf Pitch Shots

Golfers who play on the PGA tours realise that you need a variety of shots around the greens to make par and stay competitive. You will need to spin some of your pitch shots so they stop quickly and also have the ability to make the ball run when it hits the green surface. In this video golf instruction lesson top Australian golf teaching professional David Milne will show you how to add a lot of spin to your approach pitch shot using the special butterfly grip so you can hit your golf shots closer to the hole more often.

Golf On Tour: The Pre-Shot Routine the Pro’s Use

Do you have a good pre-shot routine? In this golf instruction video PGA golf instructor Lawrie Montague will show you step by step how to construct a pre-shot routine used by many PGA money leaders because of its simplicity and its emphasis on setting up your shoulders and feet sqaure to the target line everytime.
Lawrie has been teaching this exact pre-shot routine to his students at his leading golf school  for many years because it’s easy to learn and easy to do.