Lessons | Golf Box Usa

The Most Powerful Weight Shift and Hip Turn in Golf!

To put more power into your golf swing, try the Mike Austin compound pivot action of the lower body.

This secret combination of movements at the hips, knees, and ankles sets you up to generate more ground forces while maximizing centrifugal force.



In this video I show you how to hit the low punch stinger shot.

Being able to play a stinger golf shot is a tremendous asset. I use the stinger when playing a shot in the wind or under pressure when finding the fairway is important. Hitting the ball low like a punch shot is a valuable shot to have in the bag.



Are you someone who hits high, weak iron shots due to a flip or an early release?, well if you are, ten this video is for you. Chris ryan shows you in detail exactly why you most likely flip the club, then offers a couple of easy to perform drills that can help you eliminate this move from your game.



You are currently watching a video about 3 essential moves you need in your golf swing for awesome ball striking, this video will really help people improve their games and strike the ball so much better.


In order to consistently score low, it is highly recommended to form a regular pre golf practice routine before teeing off. A pre golf practice routine will warm your muscles up, and give you the chance to start out on the right foot.

I would recommend stretching for at least five minutes before starting; especially the back and the arms. It is best to take a few minutes to swing a club and warm up your muscles before stretching.

After stretching, spend some time and the putting green and driving range. In the putting part of the pre golf practice routine, bring three balls to the putting green. Start putting from a close distance to the hole, and slowly work your way back. I usually start about two feet from the hole, sink three putts, and then move back a foot. Make sure that you are making your close putts before moving back. It is important to concentrate on the close putts, because if you are not sinking those, you probably will not sink the longer ones.

After putting, move to the chipping portion of the pre golf practice routine. I usually chip about ten shots before moving onto the driving range, but however many you decide to do is up to you. Just remember to take your time, and concentrate on every shot. Do not just go up and hit 20 chips and hope that one gets close.

When hitting balls at the range, it is not the quantity of balls hit, but the quality of your shots that matter. It is much better to hit three or four good shots than to hit 100 bad shots, and reinforce bad habits. Therefore, I suggest hitting three or four good shots with each club. Be sure to take your time on each shot. Start with the higher degree irons, and work your way down to the driver.

Remember, this is just a guideline. Depending on the amount of time you have, and what you feel comfortable with. What works best for one person may not work best for everyone. Use these guidelines to develop a pre golf practice routine that works best for you.




This video is about How to hit a golf ball with a driver for beginners. Are you an intermediate golfer wanting to learn got tips how how to hit a driver. This golf lesson will cover the golf swing basics for driver so would be a great refresher if you would like to hit a golf ball much straighter.




In this video I give two simple feels to get you ‘unstuck’ quickly! Getting stuck underneath in the downswing can lead to blocks and hooks and makes timing difficult, so watch this video to the end for simple to apply techniques that will get unstuck very quickly!



GOLF SWING MADE SIMPLE! TRANSFORM YOUR GAME, AND MAKE GOLF SIMPLE! All of these golf tips can easily be implemented into your game!

