Golf | Golf Box Usa | Page 36

Arm Connection Explained – BEN HOGAN

In today’s video analysis David Trungale shows the right arm connection in the golf swing with Ben Hogan.

Contrary to what most people think – Ben Hogan initially swings his arms away from the body, generating plenty of width.

The downswing is when Hogan aggressively drives his right elbow in towards the rib cage.







The Takeaway – Butch Harmon

Golf instructor Butch Harmon says the direction of your takeaway really dictates everything you do in the swing. You want the club head to start back first, followed by the hands and arms and the left shoulder.









How to Eliminate Wrist Flipping at the Bottom

In this swing video tip from Golf Digest’s 18th best teacher, Jim “Doc” Suttie, learn how to eliminate the “Wrist Flipping” at the bottom of your swing.










Stop Loading Trail Side

Stop Loading Trail Side

Today’s video is about weight shift in the golf swing. The illustration shows how the body stays home as the arms move up and around the swing plane.

The body does not move with the club or it will loose power and consistency. The weight shift in the golf swing is not a weight shift at all, but a pressure shift.








Keeping your Balance in the Golf Swing

How to Fix your Off-Balance Swing Problems

Maintaining balance in your golf swing is fundamentally important to the quality of your golf shots. And the way you keep – or fail to keep your balance – can help tell the difference between a beginner, average, or a professional golfer. Indeed, you’ll notice that Tour Pros are always perfectly balanced as they proceed with their golf swings, even at the break neck speed that those swings occur.

For amateur golfers, losing your balance can often happen during power swings, where you need the ball to carry over a long distance. And that can oftentimes happen with the longest club in your bag, the driver, where the golfer will try to swing very hard at the ball in order to try to gain some extra distance from the teeing ground.

While an off-balance swing is often visible at the end of the follow through, where the golfer might lose his footing, it usually means that the loss of balance began earlier in the swing. It’s just that the golfer was able to stay on his feet through impact.

The key to checking whether you are keeping your balance and in order to fix any related issues is to practice making slow motion swings.

– Get into a good setup position to begin with, with your weight split 50/50 between your and left and right feet and inside your feet (neither towards your heels nor your toes). A good way to tell if you are correctly positioned and in balance is to tap (raise) your toes or heels in succession.

– During the backswing, your weight should move towards the back foot and it is normal if you find it more difficult to raise your back heel when you reach the top of the swing position.

– During the downswing, your weight will move back forward as you move towards impact with the ball. At that point, your weight will be firmly on your front foot and your right heel will have started rising from the ground.

– Finally, at the end of the follow through, your weight should reside almost completely on your front foot. You should be able to hold that position for as long as required.

Practice with these slow motion swings and notice how your weight moves around your body as you progress from one swing sequence to the next. Make sure to remain perfectly in balance as you do and if you can, you should be able to translate that balance into your full speed swings.








The Downswing Golf Tips Pt. 2

Learn the proper way to generate more club head speed by learning drills to help your practice this downswing technique efficiently.









Tour Striker Power Click

Tour Striker Power Click 

Hear It. Feel It. Strike It. The Tour Striker Power Click Helps you CREATE & MAINTAIN LAG which… Helps you INCREASE SWING SPEED which.. Helps you ELEVATE POWER which… Helps you INCREASE DISTANCE

The Power Click is a simple product to help you understand and monitor your hand/wrist motions with certainty.

With audible feedback, you can practice with more confidence, knowing you are training your hands to work effectively in your swing. 


Tour Striker Power Click


Click Here to Order: 










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What Starts The Downswing Pt. 1

Learn the proper way to generate more club head speed by understanding what starts the downswing.

Downswing Golf Tips with Top Ten Instructor, Mike Bender.


Part 2 will post at 1pm Eastern today stay tuned.






