Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 50

How Do I Get My Wrist Working Correctly in the Golf Swing

Just like throwing a baseball, how the wrist releases in your golf swing should not be forced. This is where players get into trouble.

“Casting in Golf” can cause you to hit it fat or really launch with a high trajectory. Get your wrist working correctly and let the weight of the club head move your hands through the ball.





In this video I highlight a drill to help the foot work, help improve rotation at impact and ball flight control.





Shallowing the Club 2 Moves to Avoid, Part 2

The 2nd of these two moves gets a lot of golfers in trouble. The reason being it requires a high level of skill and rotation to be able to pull it off naturally.

If it’s not done as a natural result of the rotation, it then becomes forced. Once you start to force this move… bad things usually follow.





At Home Golf Swing Drill

At Home Golf Swing Drill

Golf Instructor Daniel Lee from Gravity Golf demonstrates a Step Off Golf Swing Drill that you can practice at home.

Try this At Home Golf Swing Drill to improve your balance and takeaway in your golf swing.







In today’s video on shallowing the golf club PGA Professional and coach at The Belfry Chris Ryan takes a look at the topic of shallowing the golf club shaft in the downswing.

Chris often sees this happen at one of three points during the downswing, which category do you fall into?




Ben Hogan Mini Swing Drill

Ben Hogan Mini Swing Drill

This is a great drill that people use daily. Use it to warm up before a round, practice, even during a round when your swing gets out of sync.

Ben Hogan has a golf swing that is so simple but so effective and if you could copy anyone’s golf swing this would be the man you should try your best to copy.





Golf Swing Basics – Driver

Golf Swing Basics – Driver

The Most reliable Guide to Golf Swing Plane Instructing Aids. If you want to end up being a better ball striker, you’ll want to do some golf swing plane drills to make sure you come down and into impact consistently for better ball striking.

A major offense of most beginner golfers is coming down too steep; over the top, and slicing the golf ball. this all could be fixed with the appropriate training video.





Tiger Woods Wood-Driver-Iron Warm Up in Slow Motion

Just looking at this helps improve your golf skills.

Find the right swing for you!



