Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 43

Stop Casting the Club

Stop Casting the Club

How would you like to stop loosing your power in the golf swing? How do we stop from casting the club? For those looking to keep their lag, this video on Stop Casting the Club is for you.

If you’re looking to transfer max energy, we’ll cover some stop casting techniques, while improving key fundamentals.






Hitting With Your Right Side for More Power!

People often talk about hitting the ball with your right side, but what does it actually mean and what benefits come from doing this?

Dan covers a lot of great technical information in this video that can hopefully help you to improve your swing.






Keeping Left Arm Straight In Golf Swing

In today’s video Rick Shiels Senior PGA Golf Coach at Trafford Golf Centre helps explain what the left arm does during the golf swing and if it should stay straight or not.

Use this simple golf tip to improve your golf and help you play the best golf you can.






Use this move if you want more shaft rotation

Imagine you have a swing that produces the following situations:

Club face open
Steep arm movements
Cast sequence
Body stalls through impact
Flip release

You may have a hard time deciding where to start, but if you think about what each movement does to the face and path then the answer might be easier than you think. If a golfer needs to work on shaft rotation, I almost always start with it early in the learning process.






The Correct Posture At Address

The Correct Posture At Address

Posture is overlooked by most players.

The correct posture has a big influence on your range of motion in the swing and also how your body moves.

Knowing HOW to set up correctly will give you the best chance at swinging the golf club more efficiently!







You are currently watching a video about how to move the right leg in your golf swing.

It is difficult to perfect right leg action for your golf swing and many players struggle because their right heel gets off the floor too early in the downswing, causing early extension or for them to get trapped.






Unhinge Then Supinate – How to Shallow The Release

Training your release is important for consistency of contact. If you have trouble taking time off and finding your swing quickly, you could have a release issue.

One of the common issues during the release is timing the movements of the unhinge and the supination.

These movements should be triggered by the body, but they’ll only happen if your brain allows it to do so.






Shoulder Turn Too Flat in Your Golf Swing

Is your shoulder turn too flat? Too steep? Not sure how to check? Here are some simple checkpoints to make sure your shoulders turn correctly. As you’ll see it has a huge influence on how your arms and club move.




