Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 156

Using your hips properly in the downswing is essential for clubhead speed. But, how do tour pros make it look so easy?

Well, In this this video will show you the key move that PGA tour pros all have made in the golf swing to get the hips to clear.



Maximize your distance with the driver and add yards to your drive. In this video Lawrie Montague shows you how to hit long straight drives everytime. 




Having trouble activating your glutes? Tried dozens of different glute activation exercises and nothing seems to work?

If you’re someone who can already turn your glutes on, then you’re already able to do this. If you’re NOT already able to do this (and thus can’t activate your glutes) we’re going to teach you how.

In this video, lead coach Kenny Nairn demonstrates how to strengthen your glute muscles to gain maximum distance off the tee.



How to hit the low stinger shot off the tee like Tiger. 

Play it with a long iron or wood and find the fairway more often.

In this video you’ll learn how to play the stinger shot so you can sting it next time you tee it up.




Everyone wants to learn golf swing techniques as quickly as they can, but keeping this mindset throughout the learning process may only leave you frustrated. Nothing of great achievement ever comes easily, and the perfect swing is no exception. If you want to learn golf swing techniques, you’ll have to learn them the right way.

First of all, keep in mind that it’s going to take practice — and lots of it — before you can learn golf swing tricks that elevate your game. There are so many things that go into a good swing that it’s virtually impossible to master overnight.

So to learn the golf swing, you’ll need to learn patience first. Be patient enough to learn the proper postures, the proper movements, and the proper decisions. And it all starts with the proper attitude! If you want to learn golf swing tricks, I’d say Trick #1 would be to have a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor. If you make a bad swing, no problem. Just do better on the next.

Secondly, remember that despite what the experts say, golf still has its physical side. You may have seen newbie golfers aching and complaining after playing a few holes — simply because they haven’t conditioned their bodies to the rigors of swinging a golf club several dozen times a day.

To learn a golf swing that’s good enough to let you enjoy a good round, you’ll have to put in the necessary exercise. You’ll need stronger legs for balance and to keep your swing from deviating all throughout the motion, as well as a strong upper body to deliver the swing itself.

To keep from hurting yourself during a round of golf, do flexibility exercises regularly. More flexible joints mean many things for a golfer — a deeper windup, a more thorough follow-through, and more energy throughout the day. Flexibility also makes it easier for you to learn swing tricks usually reserved for professionals.

Finally, learning golf swing techniques means going the extra mile to correct your little mistakes. It helps to have sharp-eyed friends or trainers to clue you in on what’s hampering your stroke. When practicing alone, invest in a video camera so you could record your swings and be your own best critic.

It takes hundreds, maybe even thousands, of hours to learn golf swing techniques that will eventually improve your game. Remember that in a good round of golf, every single swing counts. It pays to invest in methods that will plug all the holes in your game, so to speak, and help you enjoy the game as it’s meant to be enjoyed.

Do you want to discover the secret to a straighter, longer and more consistent swing?


Golf Swing Drills and Putting Drills Are THE PATH to Playing Better Golf Sooner. The More Often YOU perform these Drills, The Faster YOU Will See Results In the Form of Golf Shots That Get Closer to Your Target And Reducing the Number of Putts needed to get Your Ball into the Hole. It’s That Simple!


Golf – Shoot lower scores – pitch like the pros . Alistair Davies golf shares with you how to improve your pitching to lower your scores. Learn how to pitch it like the pros.



Hitting at the golf ball causes bad strikes and loss of power as well. This can occur because of the focus too much being the clubface hitting at the ball as opposed to swinging through and releasing to the target.

This is what a more simple and less strain golf swing will feel like. But with this simple golf drill using the half club move, you can not only stay connected in your golf swing, but by focusing on the sensation that the handle is moving, will help lag, speed and flow of your golf swing.
