Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 154

Teacher of the year nominee Shawn Clement, shows you how to do a proper takeaway and start your swing smoothly; and understanding that it is not a specific body part that you need to focus on, rather the fact that you should already be in motion and reacting to the swing to the target!



Simple Tips for an EFFORTLESS Swing – In this weeks Impact Show, we have a special guest in Chris Ryan who will discuss his tips for an effortless golf swing! In this episode, we discuss just how important, your grip, your body and your trail arm is in regards to achieving an effortless swing.


3 Big Chipping Mistakes Amateur Golfers Make

These 3 common chipping mistakes can plague any golfer, especially when it comes to the amateur golfers. From leaning the club forward too far, playing the golf ball back in the stance too far, or stabbing down at the ball to hopefully make good contact, these are the 3 most common chipping mistakes we see from amateur golfers on a regular basis.



There are a lot of tips out there to learn how to golf, so we put together the 5 Best Tips for Beginner Golfers to help you in the right direction.

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and you’re going to learn how to play golf.

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your decision.

Whatever your reason for learning to play, golf is the greatest sport there is. Built on honor, integrity and sportsmanship (embodied by The First Tee); golf is a window into a person’s soul. You can learn a lot about someone just by how they conduct themselves on the golf course. Being outdoors in the fresh air and getting some good cardio exercise also isn’t a bad way to spend 4 hours either. You may also want to keep a psychiatrist on speed dial, too. Golf can be frustrating and drive you to the brink of insanity if you let it, but let’s not get into that right now. The game is magical.

There’s no need to buy a book called “Golf Tips for Beginners” or anything like that, because I’m going to hook you up with some free tips. You’re welcome.

Golf is like any sport in the fact it takes practice and repetition to become good. Before you can swing a golf club you need to know how to grip it.

The first golf tip for beginners is the most basic and the most important. You can’t swing a club properly with the wrong grip. To start gripping the club, hold it in front of you at eye level with your right hand (assuming you’re right-handed). Now take your left hand and put the pad of your hand on the top of the club and close your fingers around the club. Got that? Great. If you want to do a test to see if you have it right, let your arm fall by your side and push the top of the club down, if the bottom of the club comes up, you’ve done it properly.




For those looking to increase accuracy, this video on Driver Basics For Longer Straighter Golf Shots is for you.

In this video I’ll give you my top tips to help you be much more consistent with your driver, hit more fairways and shoot lower scores.




How we use our body is very closely linked to how to swing the club and this drill helps work towards a good body move.

Chris Ryan shares a simple drill that can be done without a golf club, this drill will enable you to work on the body movement required to make a backswing whilst also becoming more aware of how each body part moves. 


Are you struggling with rotating in the golf swing?? How do we keep from getting stuck? For those looking to stop sliding in the golf swing, this video on Weight Shift vs Hip Turn is for you.

In this video we’ll cover shifting and turning, while improving key fundamentals! Start having real control of your game.



Perfect Golf Setup and How to To Increase Your Golf Swing Distance

How would you like to increase your golf swing distance? How do we position ourselves for power? For those looking to have consistent long swings, this video on Perfect Golf Setup is for you.

We have the golf swing and your total game broken down to the 5 most important keys. In this video we’ll cover all the stance positions and show what that does to you swing, while improving key fundamentals!

Start having real control of your game. You’ll be able to hit any shot in golf..
