Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 143

I would assume that if you play golf, you have gotten the idea of how to swing a stick at a ball and hit it. I don’t take that statement lightly. It’s not an intuitive act, and you have to learn how to do it. Turning that into a golf swing is the next step.

Everyone has a different golf swing. That’s because everyone has a different body structure, different strength, different flexibility, different personal history of movement. You can go the beauty parlor and get a hairstyle just like your favorite movie star, but you can’t go the the range and have the pro give you a swing like your favorite golfer. There’s a swing based on who you are, and if you find it, you’ll play good golf.

Get a hand towel. Wad it up in a ball and hold it in front of yourself with both hands. Stand like you’re about to hit a golf ball. Calm your mind and let go of any thoughts about hitting golf balls. Bring your arms back and “swing through,” letting go of the towel as you pass the bottom of your swing, as if you were tossing the towel to a friend standing a few feet away from you. In effect, throw the towel using a golf swing.

It will help to turn your head and look where you’re going to throw the towel as you actually let it go. By throwing the towel, you’re finding out how your body wants to move when you make the turning and directing motion that the golf swing is. After a while, you should be settling into a movement that feels natural and effortless, and your own. It will also have nothing to do with golf, and that’s good.

At that point, get out an 8-iron and begin again. Calm your mind and let go of any thoughts about hitting golf balls. Now swing the 8-iron in the same way you threw the towel. Just don’t throw the 8-iron, unless you’re (a) outside, (b) won’t hit anything that shouldn’t be hit, and (c) don’t mind walking after it every time.

IMPORTANT! Swing it the same way you threw the towel. DO NOT think to yourself that since you now have a golf club in your hand you have to go back to your idea of what a GOLF SWING is supposed to be. That’s what this exercise is trying to get you off of.

Just swing the club, no ball, like your threw the towel. For the fun of it. Because it feels nice. For any reason that you can think of besides that it’s for hitting a golf ball. Just swing the club.

The next step is to hit a golf ball with this swing. This will be fairly easy to do, much easier than it has been to make your practice swing your real swing. That’s because in the old days, when your mind switched from your practice swing to your real swing, you would start to think about a bunch of technical stuff that didn’t fit and never would fit in with the way you move.

Therefore you had no subconscious trust in what you had learned. And the reason you didn’t trust what you had learned is that it was someone else’s idea of what they needed to do. Had nothing to do with what you need to do. Nothing at all.

With this new towel-throwing swing, since it’s natural for you, you can trust what you’re doing regardless of whether there’s a ball there or not. That is the key to playing good golf– trusting what you are about to do, having confidence in it.

Now this won’t take an afternoon’s work and you’re set for life. It takes lots of repetitions to replace an old habit with a new one. But if you make on swing change this year, make it this one. Just work on this, and you’ll get the results you’ve been looking for all along.


Expert Author Bob E. Jones

Bob Jones


Are you a reverse pivoter? Do you sway and slide in your golf swing?

Reasons for reverse pivoting could any physical limitations such as:

lack rotational flexibility

Lack muscular strength in thighs, glutes & core

Or reverse pivot could simply be a result of lack knowledge in the correct rotational movement. Also sometimes, a golfer may know how to rotate but the body hasn’t been able to perform the movements properly.

Improving physical part of the game is more of a long term goal.

In this video for stop swaying and sliding we’ll look at how swaying and sliding can hurt the golf swing.

I will show you a great drill you can do in the meanwhile. To help you understand on the correct rotational movement.

Doing the correct movements will definitely help improve the physical aspects as well!

It can cause much instability and over compensation in your swing. Hitting the ball solid is a long shot if you do the reverse pivot as well as much chunking or topping.

We’ll cover a few points on how to stay stable throughout the swing for solid contact eliminating the swaying and sliding.




Par 5 Mistakes EVERY GOLFER Makes – In this week’s Impact Show, we follow up our Par 3 and Par 4 Mistakes every golfer makes, by discussing the common mistakes every golfer makes on par 5’s!

Whilst discussing these mistakes we will also give you advice on how to rectify these mistakes to give yourself a better strategy on par 5’s.



The transition is the most important part of the golf swing and without getting the sequence right then your never going to find consistency in your game.

All golfers need to understand regardless of their type of swing or desired outcome rotation needs to exist and this video will teach you the benefits but all how to rotate the upper and lower body in the golf swing.

Hip rotation is a part of the golf swing which can make a huge difference to every golfer and understanding how to turn and use your hips will help you become a better and more powerful golfer.



Trail hand grip secrets in the golf swing. Alistair Davies shares with you the best secret in controlling the clubface and the transition through your trail hand grip.



This video is about Golf Swing Impact Position Drill For Deadly ACCURACY!

If we are to improve our golf shots then we have to change our impact. Understanding what should happen is key to improving this area. We’ll take a closer look at the impact zone and talk through what you can do to improve your ball striking.



Today I show you how and when to putt from off the green to help lower your golf scores. 

Easy golf instruction on when to use your putter instead of a wedge around the green, to help simplify getting up-and-down.



3 Golf Swing Tips That Will Make All the Difference in Your Golf Swing

Have you hit a plateau in your golf game? You’re hitting the driving range and golf course every weekend, maybe even practicing at home, but your scores never change.

Even if you don’t care much about besting your buddies, we all want to best ourselves. We want to see clear improvement and know that our hard work is paying off. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s not because you’ve reached your full potential. More likely, there’s some small error in your golf swing that’s holding you back.

I’m going to share three swing tips that are proven to help you play better golf. I’ve used these tips with my students for over twenty years, and the results have been transformative.

These concepts cover three different stages of your swing:




You may not need all three, but odds are at least one of these tips will illuminate an error you didn’t realize you were making.

The Takeaway

One neglected aspect of the takeaway is the relationship between the hands and the clubhead.

In fact, it’s far more common to worry about the direction the club swings on the takeaway. You may even have received advice on this or heard theories on whether it’s best to swing the club more outside or more inside.

However, if you watch the best players in the world, you’ll notice that there isn’t much consistency when it comes to club direction. Some golfers swing way inside, some swing way outside, and many fall somewhere in between. Meanwhile, they’re all making incredible shots and taking home trophies.

So, here’s a theory: maybe the direction of the club isn’t the real issue.

If you watch these same players, you’ll notice there is one thing that remains consistent no matter which direction they guide they club:

They always keep the clubhead outside of the hands.

To clarify, when we talk about keeping the clubhead outside of the hands, we mean the clubhead is just slightly farther out from the body than the hands are. If the clubhead passes through the plane of your hands and closer towards the body, the clubhead is now inside.

