Golf Instruction | Golf Box Usa | Page 24

Best Bunker Tip

Best Bunker Tip

Bunker play is a massive part of the short game. This is feared by too many of you, (and may I say quite needlessly as well!) because as Hogan quite rightly said…

Bunker shots are the easiest shots in golf, because they are the only ones you are meant to miss hit!

Even low handicap golfers make this department way to complicated. Robbing good scores and salvaged holes.








How to improve your trail elbow in the downswing

Director of Instruction at the TruGolf Academy Jon Watts talks you through how to improve the trail elbow in the downswing. Use this awesome drill to increase your range of movement and improve your downswing path and maintain lag for more distance.







Hit the Golf Ball First, Swing Forward, Not Down

Once a golfer learns that they are supposed to hit the ball before they hit the ground, they may start chopping down on the ball, resulting in pulls, slices and skied drives.

The answer is to move the low end of the swing ahead of the ball by transferring weight and pressure onto your front foot.






1 Simple Drill To Fix Multiple Backswing Faults

This drill is simple, can be done anywhere and works on fixing multiple backswing faults, it’s a ‘must do’ for anyone who is having issues with the shape of their backswing.

If you struggle from any of the following issues then this is the drill for you.

  • Backswing Sway
  • Coming out of your posture
  • Poor rotation
  • Rolling the club inside
  • Fanning the club face open

Try this simple drill and start creating the right movements as you take the club back.

Inside Takeaway 2 main causes and how to fix them

Learn about the 2 main causes of the club getting too far inside on the takeaway, and how to fix them.







Staying Connected Through Impact

Should I Keep My Hands And Arms In Sync With My Upper Body?

As a concept yes, your hands, arms and shoulders rotate through your center together as you connect with the ball. Forcing this alignment might cause some issues. Creating tension in your golf swing will get you in trouble. Practice feeling how the momentum of the club can direct you.







Don’t Make This Backswing Mistake

I see a lot of amateurs make this mistake when they hit golf balls (especially with their driver). You want the length of your arms going the same distance back in your back swing as your shoulders tell them to. If they go back farther then that then this is slack.

When you get into your back swing, you want your shoulders to be telling how far back your arms can go, if they go further than this then you have problems. This will result in back swings that are way too long and when this happens then your arms have to catch back up to your body turn on the downswing.

If your back swing is going too far back then you want to start to shorten it up. This will create more consistency and more power. If they are running away from your body then you are going to have to initiate your arms in the downswing and you want to be using your body.









“The shoulders DON’T TURN like you think they do!” COMMON Mistake we all a make when trying to TURN better and LOAD for power in the golf swing.

Turning your shoulders on the wrong plane causes many problems in golf and POOR strikes with IRONS and DRIVER.

If your shoulders turn on the proper axis your head will remain steady and STILL THROUGHOUT the golf swing.





