Golf Instruction | Golf Box Usa | Page 143

The sequence to the golf downswing starts from the ground up, not the arms down, but what does that really mean?

Today’s video shows you how this female high school golfer learns how to stop losing her posture and build a powerful downswing.



Any golfer that has ever picked up a club understands that proper swing release happens at impact, though many still scratch their heads wondering how to do so correctly.

While the nature of golfing provides multiply methods to achieve the same outcome with the countless amount of swing styles that player develop over time, none of that matters without producing effective results on a highly consistent basis.

Understanding how to properly time the release of your golf swing will provide a level of marked consistency to a degree that most other components of the swing cannot.

Releasing your swing on time provides the split second accuracy needed to ensure proper execution upon impact.



How do you know if your irons are the correct length? If you take a few minutes to watch this video we show you the simple measurement that will allow you to know if your irons are too long or too short.





Here is a drill to help you fix the incorrect back trail foot movement. In today’s lesson, Aimee will be talking about the swing plane, and the upper body movement that is affected by the incorrect back foot movement.

And also show you a simple drill you can do in your living room to help fix it. The correct back foot movement will help improve many aspects of your golf swing,


Weight Shift

Power Accuracy



In this video I show you how to hit the low punch stinger shot.

Being able to play a stinger golf shot is a tremendous asset. I use the stinger when playing a shot in the wind or under pressure when finding the fairway is important. Hitting the ball low like a punch shot is a valuable shot to have in the bag.



How To Stop Rushing The Downswing And Start Hitting It Solid Shots!

When we’re talking about rushing the downswing, we need to separate body segments.

Golfers who rush the downswing are moving their arms and hands down too fast, but not necessarily their lower body.

So, you don’t need to slow everything down to stop rushing the downswing.

In this video I’m giving you two feels/drills to learn how to get the downswing started with your body motion first and slow your arms and hands down.



What’s the difference between PW, AW, SW, & LW?

With so many wedge options, getting the correct “Loft-Gapping” is critical to providing you the best distance coverage with full wedge shots as well as versatility around the greens.

New to golf and wondering what all the different clubs do? Wondering why some have number and some letters? Well wonder no more here is your guide to better understanding golf wedges and how it can help you out.




Impact Position Drills

I think most of us want to have consistency in our golf game. The problem is golf can be an incredibly difficult game if we try and break down every aspect of our swing before each of our shots.

Having one or two simple swing thoughts before you pull the club away and begin your swing is all you need. Any more than that, and everything starts to get jumbled up, and consistency becomes increasingly difficult.

In today’s video, I’m going to give you two areas to focus on to create the right “feel” at impact. Turn these two focuses into two swing thoughts to take to the first tee, and you’ll be well on your way to playing consistent golf and striking the ball pure!

