Golf Drills | Golf Box Usa | Page 95

Golf Pre-Swing Fundamentals

A brief instructional video on pre-swing fundamentals along with demonstration.

You can’t just go running up to the ball and crush it! Rick Smith has some great tips and pre-swing fundamentals to help you get ready to hit that ball.



In this video Rick shows you a very simple and incredibly effective way to chip around the greens so you no longer duff chip shots!

This chipping technique will help you simplify they way you chip around the green. Too many golfers struggle to strike their chip shots and this video aims to make chipping much easier.




This tip is what allows me to hit the ball over 300 yards and I weigh 165 pounds! Once you’re making a full shoulder turn, let’s turn that turn into effortless power!

Now that you know you can make a full shoulder turn, it’s time to add some POWER back into your golf swing!



Knowing how to start the takeaway is such an important aspect of the golf swing because this motion sets you up for the rest of the swing.

If you know how to start the takeaway then you give yourself the best opportunity to make a solid backswing and keep the overall swing as simple as possible. A simple backswing makes the downswing easier to repeat which will produce more consistent golf shots.



Here’s a video to show you how to flatten your left wrist to get the clubface into better position at the top.

If you want to hit straighter golf shots then you should check the position you get your wrists in to at the top of your backswing.

Having a flat wrist position as you begin your downswing will make it much easier for you to square the clubface through impact, giving you more control over your ball flight and resultant shot.



Should you bump your hips in the golf swing?

In this video, we take a look at the idea of bumping your hips to start your downswing. What really happens with good players, and most importantly, what you should be doing just might surprise you.



Golf Downswing Sequence

If you want to make your best golf swings then you need to swing from the ground up in your golf downswing.

Here is a really simple way to get you doing this and to improve your order of movement during your golf downswing sequence, allowing you to hit longer and strike more consistently with every swing.


Hip Speed Drill

Hip speed drills to Increase your swing speed .

This video focuses on hip speed and the movements they make through impact to give your swing a boost and to add power to your game.

Use these hip speed drills provided to add speed and power!

