Golf Drills | Golf Box Usa | Page 47

Footwork for more Lag in the Golf Swing

In today’s video Zach shows us how to use our feet in our golf swing for more lag.

It’s a one, two, three drill that helps you transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Pushing off your back foot and getting through the shot and up on your toe will help create more lag in the golf swing.





Draw the Ball with Proper Hip Turn and Wrist Hinge

GOLFTEC’s Director of Instruction and Personal Coach, Nathan Morris analyzes his student, Anna, who was struggling with loss of distance and control.

With help from our SwingTRU Motion Study, Nathan shows the proper wrist hinge and hip turn needed to play a high, drawing golf shot, and provides a drill to help promote proper form.






Get Full Shoulder Turn Naturally

How To Make A Full Powerful Shoulder Turn Naturally and effortlessly.

If you have the ability to stand up you have the ability to make a golf backswing that has a full shoulder turn.

A full shoulder turn is key to a smooth tempo, a consistent golf swing and having power in your golf swing.







In this tip I show you a simple trick to help your weight shift in the downswing and into the follow through. This is for both irons and woods.

The golf weight shift is vital to hitting long and straight shots yet few golfers I see do it right. Most golfers are flat footed at impact. Some move sideways and some spin out on this back foot.

This is a precise move but this trick shows you exactly how to do the weight shift so you are in perfect position through impact and into your full follow through. I would suggest working on this in practice swings first so you learn how to do it. Once you do then try it with irons first. Get it with irons and slowly graduate up to the longer clubs.

This is going to take a little understanding, new feelings and a bit of practice but once you master the weight shift you will hit the ball longer and straighter than ever before.








Do you hit the ball low and struggle to draw the golf ball?

Nick Taylor GOLFTEC instructor explains the importance of shoulder tilt in the golf swing to play better golf.

This video includes real data from GOLFTEC’s Swing Tru motion study which has collected data from thousands of golf swings.

In this video Nick explains the hip sway, shares a real life lesson example to improve ball speed and contact and shares a drill to help you reduce your hip sway and play better golf.





To be Good at Golf You Need to Do THIS in the Golf Swing

If you want to be good at golf then you need to do this. All of the best golf ball strikers do this to hit the golf ball consistently good. You are going to learn this move that you need to do in the golf swing (and how to analyze your swing to make sure that you do this correctly).

In 5 minutes, your swing will be transformed into a powerful and repeating motion that creates a beautifully consistent golf ball flight.





The first thing you can do to get more distance in golf is to increase your clubhead speed.

To get more clubhead speed in your golf swing you have to swing your arms faster.

Many amateur golfers who want to increase their clubhead speed do it wrong. In this video we’ll explain in an easy way for you to increase your golf swing speed at the correct moment.






Shaft Flex What’s Right For Your Golf Swing!

The flex in the shaft can have a significant effect with your ball striking, we all know this, and flexing the shaft can also have an effect on what type of swing you have.

There’s more to consider than, what is the right flex for your swing profile? You should also take into consideration, what is the right flex for your acceleration profile.

If you have an early release or cast the club, even if you have a faster swing speed, you can most likely get away with a softer flex. If you create and hold significant lag, even with a slower swing speed, you can most likely fit yourself with a stiffer flex.

Taking these points into consideration your shaft flex will be critical in helping maximize your consistency.




