Golf Drills | Golf Box Usa | Page 123

Three Easy Drills To Fix Your Legwork

Positioning your legs properly acts as the first step in utilizing your lower body muscles effectively during routine golf swings.

Establishing a good swing stance will enhance your natural posture during swings, often expanding the existing power you’re normally able to expel during your existing swing.

Utilizing your lower body during golf swings will assist in the development of muscle memory throughout your body, which will ultimately create a natural feel to your movements.

In this video Eric shows us how to use our feet in our golf swing with 3 easy drills. 



Golf Drill: How To Drop The Club In The Slot 

Guys dropping the club into the slot in the downswing has been a mystery for golfers for way too long. The ability to drop the club correctly into the slot depends a couple key moves.

At the top of the backswing in golf you want to drop your arms straight down, keeping your head behind the ball, to start the downswing. This does a few things, it keeps your weight on your trail side as your club comes into impact.

This is very important in the impact golf swing. The right elbow will come down and seal to our right side.

As the arms are dropping the right side begins to speed up during the arm drop picking up club head speed and power.

As your arms drop and come into impact the trail shoulder stays underneath the lead elbow until impact.

This promotes an inside approach swing path to the golf ball.




Possibly the most common fault amongst amateur golfers is the dreaded ‘over the top‘ move.

Follow along as Zach explains what this move is, and gives you a drill to help you combat this in your golf swing.

Learn to stop that move over the top so many people struggle with and create a more consistent golf swing you’ll see instant improvements in your golf game.



Here’s a simple index finger drill for anybody struggling, early releasing, maybe scooping through the impact zone. Club heads sort of in front of your hands. You’re really struggling with contact. When you do contact it well you’ll be getting high weak ball flights. You’ll be losing distance.

Here’s the key. I want you to be really aware of the weight of the club head. How that puts pressure on your index finger of your right hand. So in the transition I want you to feel how the swinging movement of the club head is increasing the pressure on this finger.

Now if you’re doing this, you’ll be creating a little more lag angle. The club head will naturally come down a little more behind your hands, the shaft leaning forward. You’ll get a more penetrating ball flight. You’ll be able to compress the ball a little more, improving your ball contact. So really be aware of the feeling in your index finger of your right hand. And try to feel the pressure increasing on that finger as your making the transition.



Everybody wants to add more distance, but is there a simple way to add it without changing your swing? Using this simple power source that is literally at your feet, you can start adding more distance to your golf drives instantly!

Using the extension drill in this golf lesson, you will improve your rhythm and tempo. Using a product like the Power Stick gives you audio feedback to maximize that extra rotation and lift to generate more speed in your golf swing and distance to your drives. Golf tips like this will help you use the ground to extend and rotate to help you create more speed.

Power Stick 




Most golfers are told to TURN their hips aggressively to initiate the downswing. This action is causing you to spin-out of shots, swing over the top, approach the ball at a steep angle and chop at impact, and have a painful looking follow-through.

What’s the fix? Well, you’ve been told to TURN, TURN, TURN, your whole golfing life. Turning is an overused word. Let’s focus on the way the best ball strikers in history initiate the downswing. Yes, the downswing STARTS WITH THE HIPS but we’re looking at the LATERAL motion of the hips. This is CRUCIAL to your downswing being on the proper path to the ball.

The hips should LEAD the downswing in a LATERAL motion first. All great players demonstrate the hips moving toward the target before turning them. The hips don’t start turning until much later in the downswing!




In this short video Andy Wild goes over the circle exercise. This is designed to help improve your golf swing and give you more consistency in your game. 


Golf Impact Drill

Try this great golf impact drill/exercise to help you achieve a much more structured and extended impact and post impact look to your golf swing.

This drill how to rotate your hands and arms (release) after impact with the golf ball, for consistently straight shots. Immediately after impact with the golf ball, you should feel as though the golf club extends right down the line of your target. Imagine the golf club is very heavy and how that would straighten and extend your arms away rather than them buckling and wrapping around your body.
