Golf Drills | Golf Box Usa | Page 113

Left Arm Bend In The Golf Swing

We get questions about the left arm (or right arm for you lefties) during the swing… should it stay straight or should it bend?

Many times our amateur clients have been told they “collapse” at the top, so they try the opposite of collapsing which is keeping that left arm ram-rod straight. Well… neither is going to help your swing. Let’s take a look at how the pros  do it.



Backswing on Plane is a term which has been around for many many years and it’s often confusing or mis-understood.

Once you know how to get the backswing on plane in your backswing, you’ll find that your swing balance and shot direction will improve enormously.

In this video Eric will explain the correct path (plane) for your club to start on in your backswing. This drill is using an alignment rod to guide your backswing path.



Release for Power

In this video Zach defines and explains the importance of the release in the golf swing and shows how you can copy some of the best players in the games free wheeling release to improve your golf game.



The golf takeaway is one of the most important parts of the golf swing, it can help you build consistency, distance, straighter golf shots and much more!

The best players in the world work on their golf takeaway positions to make sure they start the golf swing the correct way!

In this video Rick Shiels PGA golf professional explains how to create the perfect golf takeaway in your golf swing.

Use these very simple golf tips to help you become a much better golfer and lower your scores.



Downhill Pitch Shot

Learn how to play a downhill pitch shot.

Chipping or pitching off of a severe downhill lie can be a difficult shot for the average golfer. This video will teach you a couple of easy adjustments to your setup that make this pitch shot a piece of cake.



It’s All in the Hips


A great drill to train your lower body and the hips to initiate your downswing, for a better impact position, and added power in the swing. Using a great lesson from Ben Hogan, and the swings of Rory Mcilroy, and Dustin Johnson as models.



Improve swing plane and fluidity in your golf swing!

If you want more pars, let’s play catch with your club. Many players can get overwhelmed with mechanical thoughts which can destroy the fluidity in your golf swing.

This is a great drill and to incorporate into your pre-shot routine when out on the golf course. Plus, bonus: it helps with your swing plane as well!



Golf Swing Myth:

Fewer things make us cringe more than when we hear a concept that includes “Keeping,” “Holding,” or “Maintaining” something critical to your ability to create speed in the golf swing.

Unfortunately, one of those concepts we hear far too often is the idea of trying to keep the arms “in front” of you during the swing. Not only doesn’t it happen in good swings… you wouldn’t want it to happen in yours.

